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Showing posts with label parallels in the bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parallels in the bible. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Zero Hour: The Last Trumpet

Some time ago I wrote a eBook called, Indigo Redemption Song, in which I detailed a timeline for the great tribulation and listed 2018 as the last year of the tribulation.  At this point some of you are saying that the tribulation is 7 years, therefore it couldn't end in 2018, but the word of God says that time will be speedup, because if it wasn't, then no man would endure the tribulation [Matthew 24:22].  To me this means that at some point the earth will experience 16 hour days as explained in my eBook Sun Z

I wrote about 2018 being the last year in faith and hoped for another witness to corroborate this alongside me, so I waited patiently.  Well there have actually been several to come out now and say the same thing.  Below is a video produced by one of them.  I have seen several people come to this same conclusion, by very different means, however we all agree and I thank God for that.  The tribulation ends in 2018 at the Last Trumpet when the two witnesses are called back to heaven![1 Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11]  Did you know that 2018 is a Jubilee year?


Also please remember that we are on the second week of the two week watch for Sudden Destruction as explained in the linked article, so be ready and have your oil in hand for the wedding, don't be a foolish virgin and be made to buy your oil in the tribulation[Matthew 25:1-13].  Please repent now of all sin and pray for your salvation and this world.

Thank you God for using me; even me...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jessie Jackson calls on UN

A few weeks ago in an article, Godzilla in the bible, i warned that UN occupation was on the way.  Now we have gotten a little closer to this being a reality.  And what do you know, one of the scenarios I listed has become a reality.  Jesse  Jackson is accusing the US government of not protecting Mr. Martin's civil rights and wants the UN to step-in.

Jessie Jackson has called on the United Nations to step-in and perform a probe into the Trayvon Martin murder trial. 

Isn't that saying UN law trumps US Law?  Most Americans would never submit to United Nations rule or oversight, but our elected officials have.  We are under UN Law because our officials have signed the UN charter, agreeing to international law oversight.  This retrial would violate US Law by trying a man twice for the same crime, which is double jeopardy.
Does the bible say anything about a lawless person who seeks to change laws and times?  You betcha [Daniel 7:25].

This is merely the first obvious step in changing the laws of the land and allowing UN courts to enforce international law or even Martial Law, see my article on the Lone Ranger.

We are also very close to a full-blown race war sparking off in this country because of the verdict of this trial.  Yet another reason for UN occupation, because when Americans are fighting Americans how can Americans police them?  We better bring in some foreign troops to do that.

Download my new eBook Sun Z.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pacific Rim: In The Bible

Pacific Rim is a $190 million sci-fi tale about earth’s heroes(in mythology the heroes were the children of the gods/nephilim) battling against skyscraper-size alien monsters that enter our world through a rift on the ocean floor.  These aliens resemble dinosaurs and all share a collective consciousness [Revelaiton 17:13], which makes battling them difficult because they learn from each encounter.  The movie follows a long list of movies with the same premise: it’s the apocalypse stupid, why didn’t you know about it!!  Movies like, Oblivion, Escape From Planet Earth, Now You See Me, After Earth, The World’s End, This Is The End, The Purge, World War Z, Elysium, Rapture Palooza, etc…
So here’s where it gets interesting…
In Mythology, the Titans were greek gods born from a union of earth and sky, which alludes to the Nephilim of the bible [Genesis 6:4], angels that came down and mated with women and produced children.  In Pacific Rim, the Titans are used to fight an invading army. (Remember that idea)... 

There are several groups/countries represented in the movie, and are controlling different Titans.  Russia, China, Japan, and the United States are the last countries represented by Titans.  In the end, the Titans represented by Russia and China are defeated in battle the rest is up to interpretation. 

Idris Elba is a well known leading man in movies, and plays a major role in the Pacific Rim, but if I may: if you haven’t seen him in the TV Show Luther, then you have missed some of his great performances.  So back to the premise of the film; the governments of the world have created giant robots called Titans, which are piloted by two humans that mind-meld in order to interface with and control these massive robots.  So once again the idea of transhumanism [Daniel 2:43]is coupled with fighting the apocalypse as seen in Oblivion, Enders Game, After Earth, Elysium, and don’t forget Wolverine.  There is a scene in the movie where Idris Elba says, “We’re cancelling the apocalypse today.”  That is to say that we men believe that we can fight the apocalypse and prevent it.    In Revelation Chapter 16 it talks about men being deceived into trying to fight against the armies of God [Revelation 16:13-16].  These men are tricked into believing that they can stop the apocalypse which coincides with a major earthquake, which causes rifts all over the earth.  Sound familiar? 

There is a lot more that I could say, but it would be over-kill and pointless if you don’t get it by now!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Now You See Me

"Now You See Me"
What does the phrase mean to you? Well, there are several things that come to mind when i hear the phrase:

[1]-Now you see me, now you don't: could be a reference to the rapture, because Christians will dissapear.  [Luke 17:34].

[2]-There are some who believe that we are in "the matrix" and can't see the hidden controllers. A CISCO commercial famously states, "we're going to wake the world up and see what happens." If you were "woken up" you would be able to see the truth, it would stand right in front of you and say, "now you see me"

[3]-The bible talks about the Antichrist "revealing himself" to the world [2 Thessalonians 2:1-4]. Is it time?

[4]-Now you see me, now you don't; It could be a reference to a magic trick where something disappears, ya think!

In the movie, Now you See Me, several illusionists known as "The Four Horsemen" commit a series of daring heists against corrupt business leaders, and shower the stolen profits on their audiences while staying one step ahead of the FBI agents that are trying to nail them.

So what does it mean to you, is it just a movie? Download my free eBook here. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Godzilla in the Bible

We know the story, a monster rises out of the sea and attacks Tokyo/New York. Terror ensues, our military is destroyed: cities are destroyed. The original 1954 movie was remade in 1998, and what-do-ya-know, there is another movie scheduled for 2014.
In the bible the sea represents humanity so how can a beast rise up out of humanity(the sea)? Well an army made up of several nations would fit the bill, but what nation would be in charge? Well all of them would be, kinda like the United Nations.

So is there a description of such a thing in the bible? Well sure there is : [Revelation 13:1] (And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.) the heads represent countries...

Ok so the United States has the greatest army in the world, not even the UN could take us out. Well, that's true but remember, Godzilla arrives after a nuclear blast! Think about it, we would be easily subdued after a few well-placed bombs. A "peacekeeping force" could come in and impose martial law.

There are actually several other ways for the UN to takeover peacefully:

  1. China/Russia/Others could file a grievance for the 10-14 trillion dollars that we owe them and the UN could impose martial law until the debt is mediated/paid.
  2. If the US breaks environmental or human rights regulations that it is bound by under UN treaty, then the UN has the right/power to occupy America. (no nukes needed in either scenario)

The purpose of this article is to get people thinking, wakeup!

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