Monday, December 7, 2020

Jacob: A Theory

 In the bible it says that the greater man blesses the lesser man.  We find in [Genesis 47:10] that Jacob blesses Pharaoh and before you know it Jacob's descendants were enslaved by Pharaoh.  Jacob was clearly the greater man because as the bible stated, the greater man blesses the lesser.  Now Jacob and his heir were over Pharaoh in God's eyes until Jacob blessed Pharaoh.  Was Jacob's children being enslaved by Pharaoh a coincidence or is there something more there?  We should be careful who we bless my friends, because the bible says that if you bless someone who is evil then you partake in their evil deeds [2 John 1:11] and you lose favor with God.  Some sinners sneeze just to get saints to bless them and once you bless then they have power over you, just as Pharaoh had power over Jacob's descendants.  

There is someone in your life right now that you have prayed to God to deal with them and you wonder why God hasn't; well perhaps it's because you have blessed them already.  The blessing has gone forth from God and so the sinner who is tormenting you has been elevated over you.   Like Balaam said once the children of Israel had been blessed, how shall I defy whom God has not defied.  I can't make this stuff up my friends, we must be vigilant because our adversary, the devil is relentless, and he doesn't play fair.  The very things we call harmless end up being our undoing!   

So if you think that it is harmless to say "bless you" when someone sneezes, think again!

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