Friday, October 23, 2020

Good People Die Young: A Theory

  We often ask the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  There is someone in our lives that we have lost, and we often say that "they died too soon" and we wonder why God lets this kind of thing happen, because they were such a good person.  I have asked myself why, when my younger brother died at the age of 34 and left a family behind; I asked God why, but should we question God.  Well it falls upon me to give you this life altering truth and I hope that it will give some of you solace.  The bible calls men, "filthy rags", that's how the bible describes us.  So can anyone be considered good?  Jesus Christ himself answered this question in Matthew 9:17 (And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God)  Listen to what Jesus said, "there is none good, but one that is God,"  After hearing the truth we should never be the same.  I myself consider myself to be a "good person", but I must admit that I have skeletons in my closet and have done some things in secret that I hope never gets out.  Well you're thinking that this person you're considering was a good person and never did anything or anybody wrong.  Well don't forget in 1 Timothy it says that some people's bad deeds are known in this life and others will be known at the judgement [1 Timothy 5:24].  The word of God does not lie my friends, but men do; we lie, cheat, murder, and steal, and that is why there is none good, we all have secret sins.  And the bible says that the payment of sin is death, so don't be shocked when seemingly "good people" die young.  There are truly some saints that don't die young, they are killed, each year for the witness of Jesus Christ: the Bible says that these people will be rewarded with white robes at the judgement and be avenged of their enemies... [Revelation 6:9-12]

Read my free ebook: Mirror Code


  1. There is none that is good. We all struggle during this journey of life. Life must be judged in its totality, good and bad3. We must strive daily to lift each other to a more purposeful place. God love helps us with this through his Son, Jesus. Love all and lift everyone you encounter daily.

  2. Why do we only give those in need a portion, and not help lift them out of a given situation. I have often seen homeless people given change, while we spend hundreds later shopping. What a world we would live In if only we saw everyone as Christ see each of us. My mother once told me to give my older brother half of my paycheck because he had little, and I thought she was crazy. How I miss her ❤️

    1. Your mother wasn't crazy, she was trying to teach you brotherly love; the bible says if you can't love your brother that you see every day, how can you love God whom you haven't seen?
