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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Superbowl LV: In The Bible

 I think that I finally have the right idea about football and more precisely the Superbowl.  The Bible says not to love the things of the world, to be in the world but not of the world [1John 2].  But what does that really mean to the Christian?  Well how does the world view the Superbowl?  Well football is a religion and the Superbowl is played on its highest holy day; the games are played on Sundays; the games are played in massive stadiums that resemble cathedrals, and there are even organs in the stadiums for the fans to sing along(because there are even football songs)like lining a hymn.  Fans and reporters come in from around the globe, in droves, like they are visiting Mecca or making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.  The Superbowl is viewed as a high holy day to its fans from around the globe, who show up faithfully year after year no matter what city the game is played in.  And I wonder how many people will say a prayer for their team on the high holy day the game is played?  Well, that's where I draw the line; I won't be praying for my team to win this year; I have more important prayers for God to answer...

I am a Chiefs fan; I came over from the 49ers, when Joe Montana switched teams years ago, and have remained a Chiefs fan ever since.  I praised(rooted for) the Chiefs year after year, and year after year I was disappointed until last year; you could say that my prayers had been answered, when KC won its first Superbowl in the modern era.  I even thanked God for allowing KC to win.  Now I believe that being caught up in the Superbowl to that degree is just wrong; its being too worldly.  I ask you to gauge your level of interest/support for any one team today, and govern yourself accordingly.   The Bible says if we love the world the love of our father is not in us. 

Also if you take Superbowl LIV, LV, and LVI you have a mirror:  LIV55LVI

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  1. I didn't know that you were a 49er. Great point though. By the way, what is your opinion on wormholes, lighspeed, and time travel. When humans leave earth for good one day, living on other planets, how will that affect how GOD is viewed???

  2. I believe that wormholes were created by God and they do serve a purpose we just haven’t identified it yet. Light speed is how God designed the Sun’s rays to travel, I wrote a book about it, God’s rainbow armor. Time travel will be used by men to try and escape the judgment but God exists in the past, present, and future, you can’t escape him

  3. I do believe that the superbowl is over hyped and praised by some. Everyone wants their team to get there at some point or another BUT I agree we cant waste our prayers on something so frivolous. If my team was to make it one day I can promise that I will be front and center at both church as well as the game later that night, lol.
