I was wondering one day about the economy; to be more precise I was wondering why it seems like congress can't make a long-term decision on how to fund the economy, they just keep propping it up for another 6 months at a time.
After wondering, God responded to me. He said, the men in power(congress, the President) know that we are in the end days. They know that my Son will appear and rapture the church out of the earth at any second, and what follows will be a completely different economy. It will be a satanic economy built around the mark of the beast[Revelation 13:17]. That is why they aren't making any long-term plans to finance the economy, they know that the end is near and that they only have to prop our economy up for another 6 months. They are doing what Christians should be doing, they are waiting on God.
I even see this on Television, in the past a show aired for 20-30 episodes in a season, now there are shows that have only 6-8 episodes in an entire season. In the past we had a major hurricane maybe once every 10-15 years, now we are experiencing 2 per year. Lastly, let's hear from the scientific community; MIT has predicted the society will collapse by 2040. There are many indications that the end is near, they are giving us warning signs.
Perhaps you don't see anything wrong with any of this, don't worry the end time church isn't suppose to notice a thing...
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