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Monday, May 22, 2023

The Heart: In the Bible

 I submit to you that we should do what's in our hearts to do; allow me to explain....

Of course, there are times when it may be difficult to do what's in our heart. We may be afraid of what others will think, or we may not be sure what the right thing to do is. But if we can overcome these challenges, we will be rewarded with a life that is more true to ourselves and our values.

In the Bible, the prophet Nathan is consulted by King David; David asks if he could build a house for God? Now isn't that a noble endeavor?  David said that he had a house and God should have one too!  Nathan responded by saying, "do all that is in thy heart to do, for God is with you,"[1 Chronicles 17]  That is a very powerful response my friends, because we as believers are assured that if God is with us, then we can follow through with our heart's desires.  We can be assured of this by realizing that the devil, the adversary, will never put anything in our hearts; only God can command the heart.

It is important to realize here, that if it's been put in your heart, then God placed it there; it doesn't matter what it is or who it affects!

There are many times/situations that we encounter, when we could do good, but we balk at the opportunity.  There are always reasons, but how can we truly justify withholding good from people who need it?  We need more good, more good deeds, in this world.  Those reasons that you come up with not to do good, those come from the devil.  So, who will you listen to?  Will you listen to the good that comes from God or the impulse not to do good, which comes from Satan?

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  1. The heart is a precious vessel, given to us by God;

  2. Do all that's in your heart to do because God placed it there
