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Showing posts with label russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label russia. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

War in Palestine: A Theory

 The Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-standing and complex dispute over land, rights and sovereignty. It has been going on for more than a century and has involved many wars, uprisings and peace efforts. 

According to the latest news reports, Israel has not invaded Palestine, but there have been **renewed clashes** between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in Gaza, as well as **violent protests** in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The situation is tense and volatile, and many people have been killed or injured on both sides. 

My question to you is, should Israel invade Palestine?  I am aware that there are some 200 Israeli citizens that have been abducted and the state wants those citizens returned, however can't that be accomplished through diplomacy?  They have already seen the return of some of the hostages through diplomatic efforts.  The abduction reminds me of an instance in the Bible where David's people (wives, children, kinfolk) had been abducted and taken into a foreign land), however in this case God gave him permission to pursue the abductors and regain his people [1 Samuel 30].

Should Israel invade Palestine, I would see no difference in what they are doing, then with Russia is doing in Ukraine; there would be an outside, hostile force, entering a sovereign territory.  If we believe that Russia is wrong for invading Ukraine, then we cannot support Israel invading Palestine.  We can't make exception just because we like Israel and dislike Putin's Russia.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Covid-19: A Theory

 I had a thought on Covid-19.  There is about a 5% reinfection rate with Covid-19, meaning that 5% of people catch it multiple times; I wonder if that will affect an antivirus, because all an antivirus is, is a preinfection of a dead virus so that your body's immune system will create antibodies to fight off a real infection.  So if 5% of people can't fight off a reinfection of coronavirus, what percentage of people exposed to an antivirus will get infected or reinfected?  I am betting that if 5% of people's bodies couldn't manufacture the antibodies needed to fight off a reinfection: I am willing to bet that an antibody won't perform any better.  So if 5% of the population(328,000,000) [Revelation 16:9] of the U.S. took the antiviral and 5% got infected that would be 16,400,000 infections with a death rate of 1%, so 164,000 more deaths(we are already at 200,000 so that would be a total of 364,000 deaths, and we are approaching that number, so the death rate is actually over 1%).   A few weeks ago Russia announced that they had created an antibody to fight off the coronavirus and Putin said that he had given it to his daughter to signify that it was safe to use.  I say that if the antiviral actually worked and was safe, that Putin would have taken it himself, not just given it to his daughter.  And why didn't we look into Russia's claims of creating an antiviral; what does it matter which country creates the antiviral as long as we get something that works.  Our doctor's in the U.S. are saying that it will probably be the first quarter if 2021 before we have an antiviral, if Russia already has one, imagine the number of lives that could be saved.  

And please remember those who are in prison, because many times the prisons are not able to accommodate people with the virus and many times they end up in a prison inside the prison.  And many times they stay separated from the normal population for more than two weeks, due to the lack of accurate testing.  So keep them in your prayers...

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pharaoh's Dream: Is it Relevant Today?

In Genesis 41 Pharaoh has two dreams that disturb him and Joseph is called upon to interpret his dreams, which were about the same  issue; a seven year famine which was to grip the land after seven good years.  So is there something within Pharaoh's dream that is relevant today?

Well I believe so but first let's take a look at Genesis 41:
1 And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river.
2 And, behold, there came up out of the river seven well favoured kine and fatfleshed; and they fed in a meadow.  3 And, behold, seven other kine came up after them out of the river, ill favoured and leanfleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river.  4 And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.  5 And he slept and dreamed the second time: and, behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good.  6 And, behold, seven thin ears and blasted with the east wind sprung up after them.  7 And the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it was a dream.

Here's where it gets interesting...
Pharaoh has this dream about a great tribulation gripping the land, and he has it twice.  Joseph tells him that he has the dream twice because the vision is established by God.  But what if Pharaoh had the dream twice also because there will be two tribulations.  So what were the signs of the times in Joseph's day?

  • There were 7 years of great plenty accompanied by seven years of famine; ( didn't we see the same thing in this country before the bottom fell out).  verse 29
  • One man was placed over all of the world's commerce; verse 41
  • No one could buy or sell without Joseph signing off on it; verse 41-44, Pharaoh gave Joseph his ring, his mark, and no one could buy or sell without the mark. 

So in the 7 years of plenty Joseph wisely gathered grain.   Did you know today that there are several countries buying up all the grain?  Egypt, Iran, along with China and Russia.  So is this a sign that some countries have learned from history and perhaps others haven't. 

There is a second time of tribulation spoken of in the bible, where: [Revelation 13]
  • There will be 7 years of famine
  • The markets are controlled by one man
  • No one can buy or sell without the mark
  • Make sure you have what you need to survive: Jesus Christ!

We know that many things in the old testament were foreshadows of what was to come in the new testament.  I view the two testaments as; the old test and the new test.  The tribulation is called the time of testing.  The old test was in Pharaoh's day, the new test is in our day. 
  • Adam foreshadowed Jesus
  • The twelve patriarchs foreshadowed the 12 disciples/apostles
  • The Exodus foreshadowed the rapture
  • Daniels dreams foreshadowed the end times

And Pharaoh's dream, well I guess that's up for discussion...

There is currently a large hole in the Sun which is spoken about in the bible [Revelations 8:12, Mark 13:24], I talk about it in my new eBook Sun Z


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pacific Rim: In The Bible

Pacific Rim is a $190 million sci-fi tale about earth’s heroes(in mythology the heroes were the children of the gods/nephilim) battling against skyscraper-size alien monsters that enter our world through a rift on the ocean floor.  These aliens resemble dinosaurs and all share a collective consciousness [Revelaiton 17:13], which makes battling them difficult because they learn from each encounter.  The movie follows a long list of movies with the same premise: it’s the apocalypse stupid, why didn’t you know about it!!  Movies like, Oblivion, Escape From Planet Earth, Now You See Me, After Earth, The World’s End, This Is The End, The Purge, World War Z, Elysium, Rapture Palooza, etc…
So here’s where it gets interesting…
In Mythology, the Titans were greek gods born from a union of earth and sky, which alludes to the Nephilim of the bible [Genesis 6:4], angels that came down and mated with women and produced children.  In Pacific Rim, the Titans are used to fight an invading army. (Remember that idea)... 

There are several groups/countries represented in the movie, and are controlling different Titans.  Russia, China, Japan, and the United States are the last countries represented by Titans.  In the end, the Titans represented by Russia and China are defeated in battle the rest is up to interpretation. 

Idris Elba is a well known leading man in movies, and plays a major role in the Pacific Rim, but if I may: if you haven’t seen him in the TV Show Luther, then you have missed some of his great performances.  So back to the premise of the film; the governments of the world have created giant robots called Titans, which are piloted by two humans that mind-meld in order to interface with and control these massive robots.  So once again the idea of transhumanism [Daniel 2:43]is coupled with fighting the apocalypse as seen in Oblivion, Enders Game, After Earth, Elysium, and don’t forget Wolverine.  There is a scene in the movie where Idris Elba says, “We’re cancelling the apocalypse today.”  That is to say that we men believe that we can fight the apocalypse and prevent it.    In Revelation Chapter 16 it talks about men being deceived into trying to fight against the armies of God [Revelation 16:13-16].  These men are tricked into believing that they can stop the apocalypse which coincides with a major earthquake, which causes rifts all over the earth.  Sound familiar? 

There is a lot more that I could say, but it would be over-kill and pointless if you don’t get it by now!