In the bible, [Matthew 4], Satan tells Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world belong to him and he can give power over them to whoever he chooses, so the bible clearly states that there is a governor who rules over all of the countries, and this ruler is Satan. The world isn't divided as we are led to believe, it is actually united against the people/residents. We are deceived into believing that some countries can't get along with others because it benefits the people who are in power for us to think that way. Wars are only staged so that large numbers of people can be sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit; read my article about this angel here.
I was watching a documentary on World War 2 and the Americans were trying to take Omaha Beach and our troops were told to take the beach by advancing and overpowering turrets which were set on a hill; they were told to take the hill. The enemy was entrenched and had the high ground, so the soldiers were basically sent to their deaths; it was a suicide mission (they were sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit). Their commanders could have had the soldiers land further up the beach, and they could have walked behind the enemy and easily taken the turrets/beach, but their leaders wanted to maximize the number of people who would be killed.
In Vietnam, soldiers were sent on patrols to patrol a certain section of the jungle, but the enemy was sent to the same location. The soldiers on neither side knew the location of their enemy, but their commanders knew, and they were working for Satan to cause death (the soldiers on both sides would be told to patrol the same area, with their commanders knowing that they would encounter each other and there would be a battle because they set it up). These battles would be staged on certain days (satanic holy days) so that large numbers of people would be killed on certain days (for example, the invasion of Normandy occurred on June 6 at 6pm, that's 6-6-6, the devil's number).
Don't believe that our government wages wars agaisnt its own people and sacrificce soldiers, intentialy kills soldiers. Well, why do you think that our ex-president, Donald Trump, called servicemen "suckers" for joining the miliary...
As Christians, we know that there is a one world government because Jesus told us so [Matthew 12:26]. The world isn't divided, Ukraine doesn't hate Russia, and Israel doesn't hate Palestine(the people might hate one another, but the rulers are bosom buddies); these long-standing feuds only serve as a means to kill mass amounts of people; they serve as a means to sacrifice people to the angel of the bottomless pit.
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Friday, June 21, 2024
Satan's Kingdom: In the Bible
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Did Jesus Lie?: In the Bible
There is a passage of scripture in which Jesus did something that was out of the ordinary, which has always perplexed me. In Luke 8, Jesus said something that wasn't true, but does this make him a liar? A young girl had died and Jesus wanted to console the people, her relatives, by assuring them that she wasn't dead, but was merely asleep. (Luke 8:52 And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. 53 And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.)
So did Jesus say something that wasn't true? Yes he did, however does that make him a liar? Well this is where it gets complicated. This scripture has always been perplexing to me because the Bible says that a liar doesn't have eternal life within him[Revelation 21:27]; now we know that Jesus is the door to eternal life, so how can we reconcile these verses/ideas?
Well, Jesus was speaking to the future, not the present; keep in mind that Jesus is God of all time, not just the present or the past, but the future as well, the bible says that he sits outside of time. Jesus knew that he had the power to bring the young woman back from the grave, so he told the people that she was not dead, but was asleep to comfort them, knowing that once he raised her from the grave that some of them would assume that she was asleep the entire time and not dead at all. So, why not speak it into existence?
So, did Jesus say something that wasn't true? Yes, he did; however, he had the power to make it true, and that's why he didn't lie and isn't a liar!
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Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Set Thine House In Order: In the Bible
In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live [2 Kings 20:1].
Someone reading this needs to hear this word; get your house in order because death is near.
I think about my life because I made a pact with God some 30 years ago when my father was sick, and he could have died, but God extended his life. I promised God that if he extended my father's life, then he could take the years off of my life. Maybe someone out there made a similar deal or maybe it's just God's timing, but the word has already sprung forth, and we must prepare for the end.
In Hezekiah's case he prayed to God, and God extended his life by 15 years, so anything is possible, and the bible says that with God all things are possible, so I don't want you to give up on life, however I do want you to be prepared. I knew a woman who separated from her husband 20 years prior to her death, but never divorced, and because she left no will, her husband got everything. The house, cars, and everything in her bank account. Her son was living with her at the time of her death, and her husband kicked him out of the house after she died. We must be prepared my friends.
The best way to truly prepare is to get yourself right with God; have you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? We must confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead to be saved; please accept Christ today...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Blaspheming the Holy Spirt: A Theory
I was in church the other Sunday and the preacher began to speak in tongues, and I wondered, "what if this guy really isn't speaking in tongues, but is pretending? Would that be blasphemy?" So, what is blasphemy? It is defined as, the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk. Therefore, does speaking in tongues, fall under profane talk? Well, yes it would be profane if one were pretending to speak in tongues because when one speaks in tongues, he is speaking to God, so the sacrilege would stem from pretending to speak in a heavenly language. Paul, said he went to heaven and heard words that can't be spoken on earth, but would rather speak 5 words in a known tongue than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue [1 Corinthians 14:19]. So why do people speak in tongues if it is frowned upon in the bible.
Well, the bible says that in the last days people will have a form of godliness but deny the power of God. That's what speaking in tongues is. When one is pretending to speak to God and making a show to be praised of men, he is denying the power of God to hear his words and grant his petitions.
One of my friends has always boasted that he could speak in tongues and did so on numerous occasions, but recently told me that he converted to Judaism and no longer believed in the New Testament. So, I asked him if he could still speak in tongues and he said yes. I informed him that speaking in tongues was a New Testament ordinance delivered to us by Christ; therefore one must believe in Christ/Jesus to speak in tongues. He could not explain himself. Could it be that he was pretending to be a Christian the entire time, and never believed in Christ? The bible says that if he had been one of us, he would have remained with us[1 John 2:19]...
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Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Kang the Conqueror: In the Bible
Kang comes from a future version of earth, the 40th century, and seeks to bend control of all time to himself; he wields a diverse set of futuristic weapons at his command. Kang has no superhuman abilities but is an extraordinary genius, an expert historical scholar, and a master physicist (specializing in time travel), engineer, and tactician. Kang is a fallen angel, in the bible; this would give him knowledge of the future as well as a keen historical perspective. It was the fallen angels who taught men the use of money(root of all evil) and taught them to craft weapons of war. But where does Kang's knowledge come from; well, it comes from Satan, let's not forget that when he tempted Adam & Eve, he told them that all knowledge would be theirs and they would be like gods. It is Kang's goal to use the knowledge and power he has amassed to become a god...
Kang is armed with 40th-century technology, wearing highly advanced battle armor that enhances his strength, is capable of energy, hologram, and force-field projection, has a 30-day supply of air and food, and is capable of controlling other forms of technology. Courtesy of his "time-ship", Kang has access to technology from any century, is also far more resistant to radiation than humans from the present time.
So, who in the bible does Kang represent, and how will he achieve mastery of all time? The Bible says that one day in heaven is like a thousand years on Earth, so a being that left heaven would virtually be thousands of years ahead of us. So, what is Kang's goal, and why has Kang been our adversary from the beginning? Kang is a son of Satan, that is why he attacks and destroys, why he murders and kills... The Bible speaks of Satan's sons: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
But is Kang a liar? Well, yes he is: he calls himself the master of time(the Bible says, that all times are in God's hands, [Psalm 31], so how could Kang be the master of time?), and Kang even stated that only he could destroy the moon. This is relevant because the bible says that the moon will always be present, until God makes a new heaven and a new earth, only then will the Sun & Moon be done away with because Jesus Christ will be our light [Revelation 21:23]; the moon will always be present; therefore Kang cannot change the word of God and destroy the moon. Changing the word of God is what Satan(or his sons) attempts to do...
Kang calls himself, "He who remains", meaning that after everything else has perished, he will remain. This is what Jesus calls himself, the first and last one [Revelation 22:13]. Only a son of Satan would blaspheme and give himself, misappropriate, one of the names of God. This is how we know that Kang is one of Satan's sons in the Bible...
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Saturday, December 11, 2021
What's wrong with watching, Motherland Fort Salem: A Theory
First off the show deals with witchcraft and the Bible expressly states that believers should not dabble in witchcraft and calls for sharp punishments to those who practice witchcraft. Exodus 22:18 – Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Leviticus 19:26 – Ye shall not ... use enchantment, nor observe times. Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: In the Bible King Saul was dethroned for a number of reasons, chiefest of which was consulting a witch that had a familiar spirit.
The show deals with enchantments and familiar spirits along with a host of other ungodly observances. One of the worst deals with using Jesus's words in vain. Jesus said that he would perform a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.” And again he said, "I work the works of him that sent me" In the show a "work" is considered an act/feat of magic, which totally corrupts what Jesus stood for and how he used the word "work". The Pharisees asked Jesus why he healed a man on the Sabbath day and Jesus said, "my father works on the Sabbath day and so do I." Jesus said that his works testify to the world that God sent him. To what do the "works" on this show testify?
Don't miss this...the works(miracles) that Jesus did were through the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit; the works of magic performed on this show are through some unknown force. Remember, that in the end times people will worship a god of Forces!!! [Daniel 11:38] Keep in mind, that one of the most popular movie franchises, Star Wars, is centered around a spirit called the force, which gives people force powers. Many people repeat the phrase from the movies, "may the force be with you"...
The show's premise is based on the assumption that witches could have been an important part of the military if they had been drafted into it instead of slaughtered like they were at the Salem witch trials. It is significant to state here that Salem is short for Jerusalem, which is the city of God and the Bible calls this city sacred. So, why are they taking the holy city and making a mockery of it. Well, that's what the devil does; he mocks and mimics what is born of the celestial because he cannot duplicate it.
The show also portrays lesbianism which traditionally goes hand in hand with witches or covens. One of the main characters is gay, and the show delves into her relationship with one of the other characters. These sorts of cursed lifestyles (the bible calls them cursed lifestyles not me) should not be glorified on television. The people of this day are wayward souls and eat up this kind of dribble, which is a subtle reminder of what time we are in. This is the end times my friend make no mistake about it.
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Friday, February 14, 2020
Alicia Keys: Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart: In the Bible
(I submit to you that Alicia Keys is writing this song to God
or writing it about God) We must keep in mind that [Psalm 52:17] says that
a broken and contrite heart God will not despise)
Even if you were a million miles away
I can still feel you in my bed
(Doesn't God feel a million miles away sometimes;
She sexualizes it by saying,"I can still feel you in my bed,
Just as the woman at the well did to Jesus by saying, "the
well is deep and you have nothing to draw with. [John 4:11])
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
(Psalm 139:7 says, "Whiter shall I go from thy spirit?
or whiter shall I flee from thy presence")"
I could still hear inside my head
(We have the holy spirit within us which speaks to us and guides us)
(David said even at the uttermost parts of the sea [Psalm 139:9])
Telling me, touch me, feel me
And all the time, you were telling me lies
(She accuses God of telling her lies!)
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
(We cannot make it without God!)
Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had
Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever try sleeping with a broken heart?
(Psalm 34:18 says, "the Lord is nigh unto them of a broken heart")
Well you could try sleeping in my bed
Lonely, own me, nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown, you made my body feel heaven bound
(Jesus wears the crown and his followers are heaven bound!)
Why don't you hold me, need me
I thought you told me, you'd never leave me
(Jesus said I will never leave you alone [Hebrews 13:5])
Looking in the sky I could see your face
(How could this song not be about God, whose face could we
see in the clouds but God's!)
Then I knew right…
Here is the song: video
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Monday, July 15, 2013
The Power of Repentance


To me, repentance means a complete change in your way of thinking and actions which involves attaining a completely new perspective of past actions; these past actions which now are repulsive to you and no longer bring pleasure to you in any way/shape/form.
Webster's dictionary defines repentance as: the action or process of repenting especially for misdeeds or moral shortcomings.
We find here that man sees repentance as a process, but how does God view repentance? I also noted that Websters listed "death sentence" as a phrase that rhymes with repentance, perhaps someone else will see the correlation with this article's subject matter. I won't try and over-complicate this by over-explaining the concept of repentance but the story of Jonah comes to mind here.
In the book of Jonah Chapter 3 we find that Jonah finally makes his way to Nineveh and proclaims the word of God to its inhabitants and tells the people that they must repent or die. Jonah preached the message of repentance or death sentence. The people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast immediately and when the king heard of Jonah's preaching he, made a proclamation that every man and animal had to fast and sit in sackcloth and ashes, symbols of contrition. The King hoped that God would accept their pledge of repentance and change his proclamation of doom.
We find in Chapter 4 that Jonah was afraid that God would change His mind and not destroy Nineveh (Jonah wanted it destroyed because they were enemies of Israel), that's why Jonah refused to go and warn the people at first. These are Jonah's words in Chapter 4: (1 But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry. 2 And he prayed unto the Lord, and said, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil. 3 Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.)
We find several relevant concepts here:
-sometimes we are not taught the word of God because our enemies want us to be destroyed [Hosea 4:6].
-Jonah is upset with God for being gracious, merciful, slow to anger and showing great kindness; he is upset with God for having all the traits which have benefited Israel all these years. Like most hippocrits Jonah wants special treatment from God [Jonah 4:2].
-sometimes we disobey God because we don't like God's plan [Jonah 3].
-God loves everyone even our enemies and doesn't want anyone destroyed [2 Peter 3:8-10].
-animals are esteemed by God as much as humans: animals should not be mistreated [Jonah 4].
-we also find that as we repent from our evil ways, that God repents from the evil that he has proclaimed will be done to us! which is amazing...
Jonah shows his hardness of heart when he states that he would rather die than to see Nineveh be spared, after which God chides him for it. Sadly, we all know people with that mentality don't we. They pray and hope that their enemies perish, while their enemies are praying for salvation with repentant hearts. We sometimes forget that God sees the heart, while we just see the opponent or opposition and we want to destroy the competition.
So is repentance a process or does it need to happen instantly? The truth is, that Nineveh was told that they had 40 days before destruction, but we don't know how long of a space if any we will be given before God chooses to destroy us; therefore I would recommend that you [1] acknowledge your sin and repent immediately of your sinful ways; [2]accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the free gift of God; [3] confess and believe that Jesus died of your sins and that God has raised him from the dead.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Preventing God's Work

As I go about my job of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, I sometimes come across people who don't like the way that I handle my ministry. They don't agree with the administration of my gifts; sometimes they are offended by the working of the holy spirit within me and feel like I'm misusing my gifts. They don't see the beam in their eye, they know what my path should be better than I do. Let's see what Jesus concluded when he came across this phenomena.
Jesus gave his disciples power over all the works of the devil and sent them out preaching the Kingdom of God [Luke9]. Jesus asked them for a report of what they accomplished when they returned. The disciples returned saying:
(And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us) [Luke 9:49]. Don't miss this point; the apostle John, the disciple that Jesus loved told Jesus that he found a man that was casting out devils in the name of Jesus and prevented him from doing so, because the man didn't conduct himself the way he felt like he should have. He didn't follow the guidelines, in the manner that fit John's approval. Let me state this several ways to bring the point home. Let me paraphrase John...
-Jesus we found a man loosing people from demonic possession in your name and we told him not to do that, only a disciple of Jesus Christ can do such a thing. (You are correct John!)
-We found a man calling on your name Jesus, and recognizing you as the Son of God with authority over every power of the enemy but we told him not to call upon your name; we told him not to help people.
-We found a man using the gift that God gave him and we told him to sit down and shut up.
-We found a man lifting up your name Jesus, and we prevented him from doing so in Jesus name; we rebuked him from doing good in Jesus name.
-We missed your sermon Jesus about your Kingdom not being divided, so we tried to divide your kingdom Jesus; we caused a scene and argued with a good Christian man in front of sinners, to show them the way of Christ.
How hard hearted can you be John? Didn't you see first hand how the religious leader's nit-picked Jesus for healing on the sabbath? Don't we all know people like that; people that say my way is the right way, but Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the father but by me [John 14:6]." It's not John's way, or Rev. Thomas's way, or Michael's way! Let the holy spirit work in that man as it pleases. Paul said that there are different administrations of the spirit but they all work through the will of God in Christ to benefit the church [1 Corinthians 12:4-7]. If the church is being benefited, let the man of God work!
But you don't have to take my word for it, let's see what Jesus said:
(And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us) [Luke 9:50]. In other words:
-If the man is rebuking the devil in my name, only the devil should be offended.
-If a woman wants to preach, let her preach.
-If a visitor wants to speak in tongues in your church, don't ask them not to comeback.
-If the young people want to form a praise dancing team, it doesn't have to be the focus of Sunday service, let them dance at Wednesday night prayer service; you might get more people to come out.
-If I want to write articles and books that seem to stray from your accepted beliefs, don't call me names, don't try to prevent me from doing what God sent me to earth to do, just because you don't understand it. And if I am wrong, I pray that God reveals to me my true path, but in the meanwhile I will do the best I can. If my ideas seem to be out there, I'm out there for Christ. I don't understand French, but if I hear a man speaking in French at the Mall I'm not going to demand that they speak English.
This is last point I wish to make in this discussion: Jesus asked the disciples to tell him what they accomplished, but John tells Jesus what he prevented! Do you know anyone that doesn't feel like they have accomplished anything until they have prevented you from doing your job!! Jesus gave John power over all the works of the devil and his proudest accomplishment at the time, was preventing a man of God from doing his job. Wow!
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Fifth Age
So when does the fifth age begin? Well before we get into that let's discuss the NBA Finals. I will make the case that both Tim Duncan and Lebron James represent the 5th age. Tim Duncan has won 4 NBA Championships and is facing an extremely difficult opponent in The Miami Heat, but for some reason Lebron James isn't playing like himself. The Heat have played well enough to force a game seven, but it looks like things could be setup for the Spurs to win game seven. Let me explain.
I have seen several messages in the Media which lead me to believe that the transition into the 5th age begins on 6/21/2013 and will be completed by the end of the year. Lebron James wears the #6 Jersey and Tim Duncan wears the #21 Jersey. I won't go through all of the occurrences, because you will either believe me or not. Let's look at some coincidences surrounds the NBA Finals.
-When Duncan entered the NBA he played with another 7 footer, David Robinson: together they were called the "twin towers", now that Robinson has retired, Duncan stands alone like the One World Tower!
-Duncan averaged 21 ppg his rookie season
-Tim Duncan will be going for his 5th NBA Championship
-He wears the number 21 on his jersey
-The game starts on 6/20/2013, but the winner will actually be crowned on 6/21/2013
Now let's look at Lebron James:
James is the new face of the NBA and is competing for his 2nd NBA title: let me show that another way.
Do you see the "V", its a Roman Numeral 5. Meaning the 5th age.
The 5th age begins when the Holy Spirit leaves earth, after the falling away [2 Thessalonians 2:1-8]! So here is my advise, take it or leave it: I believe that there could be an event to mark this transition into the new age, which should happen before the end of the year; you should be prepared.
-Accept Jesus Christ as Lord
-Trust in God and fear nothing
-It is generally a good idea to have at hand enough Food and Water to last 3 weeks
-If something does happen stay inside
-Ask God to show you the truth
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Monday, June 3, 2013
Being Responsible and Having Accountability
This blog post will probably be a little non-linear and it will include a few things that you will probably never hear in church, but as always, I'm here to give it to you straight.
I was at church on yesterday and the pastor said a few things that I feel need further reflection; this is not an examination of his points, its highlighting the points that will never be made from the pulpit. He was discussing accountability and my first thoughts went to Jesus, as they always do. In the Pharisee's minds they held Jesus accountable for breaking their laws(even though he did not break any law); one of the accusations was that Jesus claimed that he was the Son of God. Jesus is of course the Son of God, for Jesus to say otherwise would be lying, and yet he was held accountable by men and sentenced to death for being exactly who he claimed to be and being completely honest. [Luke 22:66-71] (think on that for a moment)
He was killed (held accountable by the Pharisee's) for saying that He was the Son of God. How many innocent people are in prison today? Here is a link for a guy I follow on YouTube, he may go to jail today for trying to fulfill his duty as a watchman; the link is to his last broadcast, its kinda sad.
We are often told that we have no excuses, even though many people are unjustly treated and given titles that they have not earned. One of the 10 commandments is, not to bear false witness against other people, and yet somehow people believe that this kind of thing never happens. If it didn't happen there wouldn't be a commandment addressing it.
Here is another point that you will never hear in church: King Saul was commanded by God to defeat a set of people and kill them all, and their livestock, and take nothing from them. Saul, spared their King's life and kept their gold (to supposedly tithe to God). Because of this God renounced him as King and told him that Obedience is better than Sacrifice [1 Samuel 15]. As you obey God don't worry about how man holds you accountable, because we will all stand before Jesus one day for true judgment.
As the pastor closed on yesterday he led the congregation in a prayer to Jesus; he started by saying "Dear Jesus", in an innocent childlike voice and the audience was captivated by it, but I was disgusted because he did not follow the commandment of God. The pastor made a point on yesterday to remind us to tithe, however he wrongly set the example on how to pray. The disciples asked Jesus how to pray and Jesus told them to PRAY TO THE FATHER IN HIS NAME. Remember obedience is better than sacrifice and yet the pastor cared more about the sacrifice(tithe) than being obedient. What about the person that went home last night and prayed to Jesus, following his example. Remember God, could not stand Saul because he disobeyed him.
Someone will no doubt feel that it doesn't matter because God and Jesus are one, however they asked Jesus to tell them how to pray and Jesus said to Pray to the Father [Luke 11:1-4]. Christians should obey Christ.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Too Late
There are times in our lives that we figure things out when its too late, however there are plans that must be made for our eternal security that need to be made now. For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation [2 Corinthians 6:2].
We find in [Acts 16:22-24] that Paul and Silas were imprisoned, Paul had angered some merchants when he freed a young woman from possession. These merchants derived their living by exploiting the possessed girl's ability to tell fortunes. Her owners delivered Paul and Silas to the magistrates, who had Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into prison. Now Paul and Silas could have said, "Its been a long day and we have been wrongly accused and beaten; let's go to bed and start tomorrow fresh." But they didn't do that, the bible says that at Midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God [Acts 16:25-26] and suddenly an earthquake shook the prison and loosed everyone from their bonds and opened all the cells.
The keeper of the prison was so distraught because he thought that all the prisoners had escaped that he took his sword and planned to kill himself, because he knew that if one prisoner escaped that he would have to pay for it with his life. It is here that Paul stopped him from leaving this life without eternal security. Paul said, "Do thyself no harm: for we are all here." The keeper of the prison immediately asked them, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Isn't this counter intuitive, this is the same man that planned to kill himself mere moments earlier, and now he has come to the realization that he wants to be saved before it is too late.
Paul and Silas responded by saying, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Isn't it great to realize that a saved person will persist until he convinces his entire family to be saved. Now again, Paul and Silas didn't waste any time; they preached the word of God to the keeper and his family that very night, and also baptized them. Isn't it great to realize the timeliness in which the apostles worked within; they didn't put anything off until tomorrow; they acted swiftly, moved by fear of losing one soul.
Will you act swiftly now and accept Christ Jesus, or will you wait until its too late?
Friday, March 1, 2013
Overcome Evil with Good
There are still a good bit of prejudices in this world, and as long as men keep and nurture these prejudices then we know that the adversary is still resisting the call of the church. Christians are commanded to be neighborly and treat all men with charity and kindness. When Jesus walked the earth, the Jews considered the Samaritans to be unclean and would not fellowship with them. They would not even so much as drink a glass of water from a Samaritan's cup.
We find in John chapter 4, that Jesus was traveling to Galilee and had to pass through Samaria. Jesus and his disciples came near a parcel of land that Jacob had ceded to his son Joseph, which had a well there. The disciples went into town and Jesus waited at the well for them to return with food. At noon a Samaritan woman came to the well to draw water out and Jesus said unto her, "Give me to drink."[John 4:7] The woman asked Jesus how could he, a Jew, ask her a Samaritan to drink water from her waterpot; she knew that if Jesus drank from her waterpot, that he would be considered unclean, because she being a Samaritan was considered unclean.
We find here that, even though this is water from a well that Jacob dug and left to his son Joseph, the same Jacob that had the promises of God, the same Jacob that dug the well, drank from the well, and left blessings to his seed; Jacob left the well to the Samaritans, so how could this water be considered unclean? Jesus had already said that there is nothing that enters the body that can make a person unclean [Mark 7:15]. The water wasn't unclean, the waterpot wasn't unclean, but somehow the person handing the water to you, could somehow make it unclean. Isn't that how racism works; a segment of people are ostracized for some unimportant reason, and are hated and mistreated for something that they can't even control. People who if you look back far enough on their family tree are related to the people, that hate them. The woman then reminds Jesus that the Jews have no dealing with the Samaritans. Have you ever said, "I don't want anything to do with that person?" This type of attitude goes against the mind of Christ. So how does Jesus respond to this situation?
Jesus overcomes: [1] the hatred the Samaritan woman has for the Jews, which was based on how she had been treated; [2] the woman's perception of what cleanness is and the incorrect idea that something unclean can make what God has made clean, to be unclean [Acts 10:15]. Jesus bassicly tell her, I am the Holy One of God, neither you nor anything else can make me unclean. I am here to make you clean. Jesus tells her, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." [John 4:10]. Jesus overcomes her prejudices by giving her the word of God and offering her the gift of salvation. The woman tells Jesus, that she must have this gift, the living water that Jesus spoke of.
The word is a powerful thing my friends and at the end of the day, its anointing is the only thing that can overcome the things that truly make us unclean like racism; "And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man." [Mark 7:20-23]
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Bread In The Wilderness
In Mark 8 we find a well known miracle performed by Jesus; the four thousand being fed. However there had to be a choice made by the disciples to not only [1]share what they had, they also had to [2]trust Jesus with what they had.
Have you ever had company over to your house and said to yourself, (I wish that they would hurry up and leave so I can get me something to eat. I would gladly share but I don't have enough to give everyone) I assure you that I understand this because I have been on both sides of the situation, lol.
But Jesus saw things so much differently than we do, he said: "I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat:"[Mark 8:2] Now, I must say here that there are some people who won't leave until you give them something to eat, lol. The bible talks about these sorts of people also. However, here we find people that have traveled great distances to follow Jesus and be healed, they have stayed for his ministering word, and now are too weak to leave. Have you ever been exposed to the word, and fellowshiped so long, that you lost track of time?
Jesus had compassion on the multitude but his disciples experienced helplessness, they felt powerless to do anything about the situation. (And his disciples answered him, from whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?)[Mark 8:4]. Now that is an extremely hard hearted statement my friends, the disciples should have known by that point, that all good things come from God! [James 1:17]. God can take the little that we have and to exceedingly, abundantly more with it than we can even think to ask [Ephesians 3:20]. Jesus chose that moment to do the works of the father[John 5:19] and commanded his disciples to bring him what bread they had [Mark 8:5]. We find here that in obeying the command from Jesus, the disciples also found a few small fishes[Mark 8:7]. Isn't that amazing, because the disciples followed the command, they found so much more than they had hoped to find, and what they had and found turned out to be a blessing to others [Mark 8:8-9]. Because the disciples were willing to share what they had, God left them with more than they had in the end. What started as seven loaves and a few fishes, fed four thousand hungry people, and what was left was seven baskets of food. See what can be done when we take what we have and put it in the master's hand; its his anyway.
How many people are broke today because they trusted a banker or some other wall street type with their money; when you place what you have in God's hand, you don't ever have to worry about loosing what you have. You will find more than you thought you had, you will even find bread in the wilderness.
Here is a link to my books:
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Touch The Mountain
1) And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. 2) And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3) And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. [Revelations 14:1-3].
When reading this passage, one should wonder, "How can I touch the mountain of God?" I say this because touching the mountain is not a trivial thing. In the old testament Israel was commanded that if a man or even a beast touch the mountain of God, that it should be killed. {12) And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death: 13) There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount. [Exodus 19:12-13]} Paul clarifies what it means to be shot through in Hebrews 12 by saying that they should be stoned or thrust through with a spear.
You may be wondering, but how can I touch the mountain or how can a lamb stand on mount Zion without being killed? Well, this isn't a typical lamb, this is the Lamb of God; Jesus Christ, who took away the sins of the world. This lamb was thrust though with a spear and raised from the dead on the third day by Jehovah God. Also, let's not forget that the people of Jerusalem attempted to stone Jesus at one point [John 8:59]. So the people attempted to stone Jesus before they finally thrust him through; wow, look how the scriptures are fulfilled in Christ. We have the opportunity today to touch the mountain if we accept the sacrifice the lamb made for us. Paul spells out how to accept the gift of God in Romans 10. You must first hear the word of God and accept the truth of it, that everlasting life is gifted by the Father through Jesus Christ [John 6:40]. Don't be like Israel was; when they heard the word of salvation, they asked that it not be spoken unto them . This is the type of person that cannot touch the mountain of God. [Hebrews 12:19]
My goal here is not to argue whether or not we are part of the 144,000; my goal here is to tell you that nothing unclean or profane can touch the mountain of God. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can usher you into the presence of God; you must be saved and covered with the blood of Christ if you hope to touch the mountain. Jesus said, no man cometh to the father but by me [John 14:6]; he is the only way to God, you must go through him. Through the veil of his flesh [Hebrews 10:20]. We must come to God, not of our flesh, but as spirits, after we have given up our lives; after we have sacrificed the physical life for a spiritual one. [John 4:24]. The lamb has set the example for us.
Come touch the mountain:
22) But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23) To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24) And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. 25) See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: [Hebrews 12:22-25].