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Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Satan's Kingdom: In the Bible

 In the bible, [Matthew 4], Satan tells Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world belong to him and he can give power over them to whoever he chooses, so the bible clearly states that there is a governor who rules over all of the countries, and this ruler is Satan.  The world isn't divided as we are led to believe, it is actually united against the people/residents.  We are deceived into believing that some countries can't get along with others because it benefits the people who are in power for us to think that way.  Wars are only staged so that large numbers of people can be sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit; read my article about this angel here.

I was watching a documentary on World War 2 and the Americans were trying to take Omaha Beach and our troops were told to take the beach by advancing and overpowering turrets which were set on a hill; they were told to take the hill.  The enemy was entrenched and had the high ground, so the soldiers were basically sent to their deaths; it was a suicide mission (they were sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit).  Their commanders could have had the soldiers land further up the beach, and they could have walked behind the enemy and easily taken the turrets/beach, but their leaders wanted to maximize the number of people who would be killed.

In Vietnam, soldiers were sent on patrols to patrol a certain section of the jungle, but the enemy was sent to the same location.  The soldiers on neither side knew the location of their enemy, but their commanders knew, and they were working for Satan to cause death (the soldiers on both sides would be told to patrol the same area, with their commanders knowing that they would encounter each other and there would be a battle because they set it up).  These battles would be staged on certain days (satanic holy days) so that large numbers of people would be killed on certain days (for example, the invasion of Normandy occurred on June 6 at 6pm, that's 6-6-6, the devil's number).

Don't believe that our government wages wars agaisnt its own people and sacrificce soldiers, intentialy kills soldiers.  Well, why do you think that our ex-president, Donald Trump, called servicemen "suckers" for joining the miliary...

As Christians, we know that there is a one world government because Jesus told us so [Matthew 12:26]. The world isn't divided, Ukraine doesn't hate Russia, and Israel doesn't hate Palestine(the people might hate one another, but the rulers are bosom buddies); these long-standing feuds only serve as a means to kill mass amounts of people; they serve as a means to sacrifice people to the angel of the bottomless pit.  

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