I was reading a post the other day and there was a story about a white man, that identified as a Korean man. The story was not about someone attempting to change their race, this is not possible; however, the man was identifying as another race, there is a difference. Race is a social construct, and it is not possible to change one's race. However, it is possible to identify with a different race than the one one is assigned at birth. This is known as transracialism. Transracial people are people who identify with a race that is different from their birth race. It is my belief that a man of one race should not attempt to identify as another race, however there are a number of reasons that people attempt to do this... There are a number of reasons why someone might identify as transracial. Some people may feel that they have a stronger connection to a different race than the one they were assigned at birth. Others may feel that they have been marginalized or discriminated against because of their race, and they may want to identify with a race that is more accepted by society.
I am a trouble maker, my site focuses on biblical principles: current events are discussed, and opinions are expressed. Everything is open for discussion; music, poetry, art, religion, horoscopes, local news, technology, video games, gambling, sports, mw3, blackops, savegame, wii, wiiu, xbox360, xbox one, ps3, ps4, Xbox series x, ps5, the rapture, Jesus Christ, Indigo children, pineal gland, pikmin 3, Nintendo switch, God's armor, splatoon,Avengers, Riahanna, Beyonce, Remix King, everything.
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Friday, October 6, 2023
In God's Image: In the Bible
Monday, December 7, 2020
Jacob: A Theory
In the bible it says that the greater man blesses the lesser man. We find in [Genesis 47:10] that Jacob blesses Pharaoh and before you know it Jacob's descendants were enslaved by Pharaoh. Jacob was clearly the greater man because as the bible stated, the greater man blesses the lesser. Now Jacob and his heir were over Pharaoh in God's eyes until Jacob blessed Pharaoh. Was Jacob's children being enslaved by Pharaoh a coincidence or is there something more there? We should be careful who we bless my friends, because the bible says that if you bless someone who is evil then you partake in their evil deeds [2 John 1:11] and you lose favor with God. Some sinners sneeze just to get saints to bless them and once you bless then they have power over you, just as Pharaoh had power over Jacob's descendants.
There is someone in your life right now that you have prayed to God to deal with them and you wonder why God hasn't; well perhaps it's because you have blessed them already. The blessing has gone forth from God and so the sinner who is tormenting you has been elevated over you. Like Balaam said once the children of Israel had been blessed, how shall I defy whom God has not defied. I can't make this stuff up my friends, we must be vigilant because our adversary, the devil is relentless, and he doesn't play fair. The very things we call harmless end up being our undoing!
So if you think that it is harmless to say "bless you" when someone sneezes, think again!
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Saturday, July 27, 2019
If I could only kill a word
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Monday, June 3, 2013
Being Responsible and Having Accountability
This blog post will probably be a little non-linear and it will include a few things that you will probably never hear in church, but as always, I'm here to give it to you straight.
I was at church on yesterday and the pastor said a few things that I feel need further reflection; this is not an examination of his points, its highlighting the points that will never be made from the pulpit. He was discussing accountability and my first thoughts went to Jesus, as they always do. In the Pharisee's minds they held Jesus accountable for breaking their laws(even though he did not break any law); one of the accusations was that Jesus claimed that he was the Son of God. Jesus is of course the Son of God, for Jesus to say otherwise would be lying, and yet he was held accountable by men and sentenced to death for being exactly who he claimed to be and being completely honest. [Luke 22:66-71] (think on that for a moment)
He was killed (held accountable by the Pharisee's) for saying that He was the Son of God. How many innocent people are in prison today? Here is a link for a guy I follow on YouTube, he may go to jail today for trying to fulfill his duty as a watchman; the link is to his last broadcast, its kinda sad.
We are often told that we have no excuses, even though many people are unjustly treated and given titles that they have not earned. One of the 10 commandments is, not to bear false witness against other people, and yet somehow people believe that this kind of thing never happens. If it didn't happen there wouldn't be a commandment addressing it.
Here is another point that you will never hear in church: King Saul was commanded by God to defeat a set of people and kill them all, and their livestock, and take nothing from them. Saul, spared their King's life and kept their gold (to supposedly tithe to God). Because of this God renounced him as King and told him that Obedience is better than Sacrifice [1 Samuel 15]. As you obey God don't worry about how man holds you accountable, because we will all stand before Jesus one day for true judgment.
As the pastor closed on yesterday he led the congregation in a prayer to Jesus; he started by saying "Dear Jesus", in an innocent childlike voice and the audience was captivated by it, but I was disgusted because he did not follow the commandment of God. The pastor made a point on yesterday to remind us to tithe, however he wrongly set the example on how to pray. The disciples asked Jesus how to pray and Jesus told them to PRAY TO THE FATHER IN HIS NAME. Remember obedience is better than sacrifice and yet the pastor cared more about the sacrifice(tithe) than being obedient. What about the person that went home last night and prayed to Jesus, following his example. Remember God, could not stand Saul because he disobeyed him.
Someone will no doubt feel that it doesn't matter because God and Jesus are one, however they asked Jesus to tell them how to pray and Jesus said to Pray to the Father [Luke 11:1-4]. Christians should obey Christ.
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Saturday, June 1, 2013
Godzilla in the Bible
We know the story, a monster rises out of the sea and attacks Tokyo/New York. Terror ensues, our military is destroyed: cities are destroyed. The original 1954 movie was remade in 1998, and what-do-ya-know, there is another movie scheduled for 2014.
In the bible the sea represents humanity so how can a beast rise up out of humanity(the sea)? Well an army made up of several nations would fit the bill, but what nation would be in charge? Well all of them would be, kinda like the United Nations.
So is there a description of such a thing in the bible? Well sure there is : [Revelation 13:1] (And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.) the heads represent countries...
Ok so the United States has the greatest army in the world, not even the UN could take us out. Well, that's true but remember, Godzilla arrives after a nuclear blast! Think about it, we would be easily subdued after a few well-placed bombs. A "peacekeeping force" could come in and impose martial law.
There are actually several other ways for the UN to takeover peacefully:
- China/Russia/Others could file a grievance for the 10-14 trillion dollars that we owe them and the UN could impose martial law until the debt is mediated/paid.
- If the US breaks environmental or human rights regulations that it is bound by under UN treaty, then the UN has the right/power to occupy America. (no nukes needed in either scenario)
The purpose of this article is to get people thinking, wakeup!
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