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Friday, June 21, 2024

Satan's Kingdom: In the Bible

 In the bible, [Matthew 4], Satan tells Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world belong to him and he can give power over them to whoever he chooses, so the bible clearly states that there is a governor who rules over all of the countries, and this ruler is Satan.  The world isn't divided as we are led to believe, it is actually united against the people/residents.  We are deceived into believing that some countries can't get along with others because it benefits the people who are in power for us to think that way.  Wars are only staged so that large numbers of people can be sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit; read my article about this angel here.

I was watching a documentary on World War 2 and the Americans were trying to take Omaha Beach and our troops were told to take the beach by advancing and overpowering turrets which were set on a hill; they were told to take the hill.  The enemy was entrenched and had the high ground, so the soldiers were basically sent to their deaths; it was a suicide mission (they were sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit).  Their commanders could have had the soldiers land further up the beach, and they could have walked behind the enemy and easily taken the turrets/beach, but their leaders wanted to maximize the number of people who would be killed.

In Vietnam, soldiers were sent on patrols to patrol a certain section of the jungle, but the enemy was sent to the same location.  The soldiers on neither side knew the location of their enemy, but their commanders knew, and they were working for Satan to cause death (the soldiers on both sides would be told to patrol the same area, with their commanders knowing that they would encounter each other and there would be a battle because they set it up).  These battles would be staged on certain days (satanic holy days) so that large numbers of people would be killed on certain days (for example, the invasion of Normandy occurred on June 6 at 6pm, that's 6-6-6, the devil's number).

Don't believe that our government wages wars agaisnt its own people and sacrificce soldiers, intentialy kills soldiers.  Well, why do you think that our ex-president, Donald Trump, called servicemen "suckers" for joining the miliary...

As Christians, we know that there is a one world government because Jesus told us so [Matthew 12:26]. The world isn't divided, Ukraine doesn't hate Russia, and Israel doesn't hate Palestine(the people might hate one another, but the rulers are bosom buddies); these long-standing feuds only serve as a means to kill mass amounts of people; they serve as a means to sacrifice people to the angel of the bottomless pit.  

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Sunday, April 21, 2024

The New Good Times: Bad Times for TV Watchers


The Premise

The animated reboot introduces us to the new occupants of apartment 17C. It is important to note here that Reggie, is the grandson of James and Florida, from the original series.  Here’s a glimpse of the new characters:

  1. Reggie (J.B. Smoove): The grandson of Florida and James, Reggie is a struggling cab driver with hypertension and a penchant for long, drawn-out rants.
  2. Beverly (Yvette Nicole Brown): Appearance-obsessed despite financial struggles.
  3. Junior (Jay Pharoah): An artist repeating 10th grade for the third time.
  4. Grey (Marsai Martin): A smart, conscientious young lady with an activist-mindset.
  5. Dalvin (Slink Johnson): A drug-dealing infant Reggie has thrown out of the house.
  6. The Roaches:   Yes they are a part of the family, and can be seen interacting with the Evans family throughout the episodes.

The Good, the Bad, and the Baffling

The Good

  • Black Jesus: [Revelation 1:14-15] When Bev prays, a video game-playing Black Jesus appears, responding to or ignoring her pleas—a callback to Florida from the original series.
  • Inside Junior’s Mind: Episode 2, “Black of Focus,” offers an “Inside Out”-style visual into Junior’s mind, unpacking his academic failures and artistic talent.  This episode gives a glimpse of the struggles our youth face focusing in class.
  • Love: there is a great deal of love expressed by the characters towards one another.

The Bad

  • Repetitive Stereotypes: The first three episodes are stuffed with repetitive stereotypes and stale jokes; it got so bad, that I couldn't watch anymore.
  • Caricatures of Black People: Most characters appear to be caricatures found in memes, lacking depth.


The Baffling

  • Infant Drug Dealer: Dalvin, the infant character, mirrors Stewie from “Family Guy.” However, casting him as a crack-selling baby on street corners misses the mark.

The Conclusion

While the animated reboot attempts to pay homage to the classic, it falls short in execution. Fans of the original may find it dated, humorless, and baffling.  The show falls short because it insists on making each episode about stereotypes of black people, which are dated and shouldn’t be a part of the plot.  I expected something a little more uplifting.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Nikki Haley, What was the Civil War about: A Theory

 Nikki Haley was asked the question, what was the civil war about and was admonished because her response didn't mention slavery at all.  Well the Civil War was about slavery but not in the way you might think...

So war was inevitable between the North and South mainly because the South didn't like to be dictated to by the North.  England was set to aide the South by providing arms and troops, however this is where Lincoln made a masterful decision to free the slaves in the North.  This was a key decision because the Queen had already freed the blacks under her dominion, therefore she couldn't aid the South because they still had slaves.

In 1861 Engand declared itself neutral in the conflict, So what changed, well the south threatened to withhold cotton and tobacco from England if they didn't help them by providing troops and munitions.   

If Lincoln wanted to free the slaves why did he wait until 1863 to emancipate them(two years after the war started)[Revelation 6:15]?  How could the Civil war be about slavery, when the slaves were freed after it started.  The decision to free the slaves is what won the war but isn't why the war started.  The timing was based upon England wanting to aid the south(mainly because the south was withholding cotton and tobacco from being exported to England), so Lincoln freed the slaves as soon as he heard about the south potentially teaming up with England; this is the decision that won the war, because the South didn't have the resources to continue fighting and without the aide from England, they were doomed...

So I believe that Nikki Haley's assessment was more right than wrong...

So what was the war about if not for slavery?  Well it was about state's rights to govern themselves; we see this being played out even today with the Federal government outlawing the use of marijuana and the states allowing it.  We see the federal government banning abortion and states allowing it....The civil war was about the states not wanting to be dictated too...

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Acknowledging God in Music

 There are several performers that have had an opportunity to acknowledge God in their songs and have not.  Whitney Houston famously said in her song, The Greatest Love of all, "learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all" which is a lie; she should have said, "learning to love the Lord, it is the greatest love of all."  I believe that Whitney would still be alive today, if she only acknowledged God.

Frank Sinatra famously said in his song, My Way, "what is a man what has he got, if not himself he has not" this is also untrue because he should have said, "what is a man what has he got, if not the Lord he has not" Frank Sinatra could have had a powerful testimony if he only acknowledged God.

Jay Z said in one of his songs, Empire state of mind; "Jesus can't save you and life begins where the church ends" As Christians we should of had a problem with Jay Z saying Jesus can't save you, because our children listen to him and emulate him.  Saying Jesus can't save you is also untrue because there is no life in this world or the next without Christ Jesus [Luke 20].

I don't listen to a ton of secular music, so these are just some examples of things that I have heard; I am sure that this sort of thing happens on a regular basis so we have to be careful who/what we listen too.

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Joel Osteen' s Mantra: In the Bible

 Joel Osteen has a mantra that he has everyone say before his services begin; "This is my Bible: I am what it says I am; I have what it says I have; I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the Word of God. I'll boldly confess. My mind is alert; my heart is receptive; I will never be the same. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living Seed of the Word of God. I'll never be the same - never, never, never! I'll never be the same, in Jesus' Name."

So this sounds good, what could be wrong with it?  Well simply put, you are placing yourself under the law instead of Jesus Christ and are accepting the curses that come under the law, there are no curses under the new testament only grace.  Osteen is making you declare that you will live by everything in the Bible, old testament and new testament, and this is improper thinking.  The Bible says that the letter of the law kills(old testament) [2 Corinthians 3]. In 2 Corinthians 3:6, Paul contrasts the new testament of the Spirit with the old testament of the letter. Paul argues that the letter, or the written law, kills, because it condemns sinners and brings death. The Spirit, on the other hand, gives life, because it enables believers to obey God and experience His grace. Paul is not saying that Scripture is a dead letter, but that the Spirit is the source of life and power.

As new testament believers we are taught that no man could keep the law(old testament), so we position ourselves under Christ so that we can stay under his blood. In Romans 2 it says, Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.  So, the proclamation that Osteen charges you to speak forth ultimately causes you to blashpeme God's name.

The law was our guide to be in good standing with the father, while Jesus Christ is our way to the father!

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Blood of Jesus: In the Bible

 There was a female evangelist that once said, "I take a wash-cloth and virtually wash myself with the blood of Jesus, everyday, and that is my protection."  Well that sounds good but as you know everything that sounds good ain't sound.  The problem is what happens in your mind, when you forget to wash a particular part of your body?  Well you intuitively believe that you aren't covered, and you have to believe in the power of the blood for it to work; believing that you have to wash your entire body is faulty logic, because one drop of the blood of Jesus covers you completely.

I remember a section of the new testament where Jesus washed the disciples feet and Peter said, don't just wash my feet, wash everything.  Jesus responded by saying, "He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all. [John 13]" So, if water can cleanse to that degree, how much more can the blood of Jesus cleanse us completely.

There are so many false teachers out there my friends, and things are really bad in the church, but I take consolation in knowing that God has a plan for all of his children to navigate these harsh times...

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War in Palestine: A Theory

 The Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-standing and complex dispute over land, rights and sovereignty. It has been going on for more than a century and has involved many wars, uprisings and peace efforts. 

According to the latest news reports, Israel has not invaded Palestine, but there have been **renewed clashes** between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in Gaza, as well as **violent protests** in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The situation is tense and volatile, and many people have been killed or injured on both sides. 

My question to you is, should Israel invade Palestine?  I am aware that there are some 200 Israeli citizens that have been abducted and the state wants those citizens returned, however can't that be accomplished through diplomacy?  They have already seen the return of some of the hostages through diplomatic efforts.  The abduction reminds me of an instance in the Bible where David's people (wives, children, kinfolk) had been abducted and taken into a foreign land), however in this case God gave him permission to pursue the abductors and regain his people [1 Samuel 30].

Should Israel invade Palestine, I would see no difference in what they are doing, then with Russia is doing in Ukraine; there would be an outside, hostile force, entering a sovereign territory.  If we believe that Russia is wrong for invading Ukraine, then we cannot support Israel invading Palestine.  We can't make exception just because we like Israel and dislike Putin's Russia.

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Friday, October 6, 2023

In God's Image: In the Bible

I was reading a post the other day and there was a story about a white man, that identified as a Korean man.  The story was not about someone attempting to change their race, this is not possible; however, the man was identifying as another race, there is a difference.  Race is a social construct, and it is not possible to change one's race. However, it is possible to identify with a different race than the one one is assigned at birth. This is known as transracialism. Transracial people are people who identify with a race that is different from their birth race. It is my belief that a man of one race should not attempt to identify as another race, however there are a number of reasons that people attempt to do this... There are a number of reasons why someone might identify as transracial. Some people may feel that they have a stronger connection to a different race than the one they were assigned at birth. Others may feel that they have been marginalized or discriminated against because of their race, and they may want to identify with a race that is more accepted by society.

But what does the Bible say about this? Well, the Bible says that we are made in God's image[Genesis 1:27], therefore anything we do to change this image that God gave us at birth is wrong. People change their image in a number of ways. For example, a man could identify as a woman, or a white male could identify as a Korean man. There is no difference here, in both examples the person is changing the image God created them to have. It is important to note here that transracialism is not the same as cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is when someone adopts elements of a culture that is not their own, without understanding or respecting the culture. Transracialism, on the other hand, is about identifying with a race that is different from one's birth race. It is important to note here that in the Bible, Israel was told not to adopt the customs/traditions of the people neighboring them. Why, because God had already given them an identity... Watch a YouTube video about my free ebook: Download my free ebook:

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Liberty in Christ: In the Bible

 The apostle Paul says multiple times in the bible that as a Christian he can do whatever he pleases, that he has liberty in Christ and is not bound by the law.  Many people feel that way today, they think that they can do whatever they please as a Christian, they believe that they can lie, cheat, and steal without suffering the consequences of sin and that just isn't the case.  Paul is right that we have freedoms as Christians; however, he further explains his position in 1 Corinthians 10:23

1 Corinthians 10:23 states that all things are lawful for a Christian, however all things do not edify you as a Christian.  This means that all things do not build up a strong foundation in the faith, they do not help you prosper as a Christian, and if doing these things do not help you, then why are you doing them?  We are on a treacherous journey through life as Christians, and we need to bring along things/items that help us down this troublesome path; on judgement day we need to be found to have a strong foundation in Christ, so don't preoccupy yourself with things that don't help build up your foundation in Christ...

We focus a ton of energy today, questioning if the church should allow homosexuality or if it should allow abortion.  Just stop, we need to focus on good Christian values, the ones we've always had(follow the law), and do things that profit us as believers.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

What happens when we dream: In the Bible

When we dream, our brains are active in a similar way to when we are awake. However, there are some key differences. For example, the part of the brain responsible for logic and reasoning is less active during dreams, which is why dreams often seem so illogical and bizarre.  Also, our muscles are paralyzed to keep us from acting out our dreams.

Dreams can be about anything, and they can be very vivid or very abstract. They can be happy, sad, scary, or anything in between. Some people dream every night, while others only dream occasionally.  I think that I dream every night but only remember a small portion of the dreams I dream; maybe 20% the rest are forgotten when I wake up.

The bible says that God seals instructions to his children in our dreams[Job 33:14-17].  So God uses dreams as a way to speak to his children as he did with Joseph, Samuel, and Solomon in the bible.  God made promises to each of these men in their dreams and fulfilled each promise.  The bible also says that God holds the interpretation of every dream, so if we seek God we can know each dream’s interpretation. 

All dreams are important; even nightmares can hold an important warning to us to influence us to take a different path or avoid certain people.  Some people find that journaling helps make sense of their dreams because one dream by itself can be confusing, however several dreams lumped together can be enlightening…
I will give a warning, don't tell everyone/(just anybody) your dreams because just as Joseph was hated because of his dreams, people will hate you too if they find out what God has planned for you(when I was about 6 years old I had an aunt that used to ask me about my dreams and she put roots on me to try and keep them from coming true, because she was jealous that it wasn't her son or grandchildren that God wanted to use)... Watch my YouTube video about my book Mirror Code: Download my free ebook: Mirror Code

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Death on TV: A Theory

 Why is there so much death on TV?  Shows like Ghosts, CSI, NCIS, Monk, The Mentalist, TLOU, and Elementary are all centered around a murder being committed.  And then there are shows like, How to get away with Murder, that show you how to elude authorities after committing a murder.  I could go on and on, naming shows about death. 

I have a theory as to why there is so much death on TV, however the networks would have you believe that it can be used as a plot device to create shock and boost a show’s profile on social media platforms like Twitter.  One downside of there being so much information out there about how to kill people is that it has become more difficult for authorities to solve murders because these shows are teaching a masterclass on how to get away with murder.

But what does the Bible say?  Well, Proverbs 8:36 says[But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.]  So, Jehovah has said all that hate him love death.  So that’s why there is so much death on tv, this society hates God. Now we see why there is so much death on TV and why we have holidays like Cinco de Mayo (day of the dead) where death is celebrated. Let's not miss the first part of the verse that says he that sinneth against God wrongest his own soul, and what is murder but sinning against God.

So let's keep these things in mind when we are selecting TV shows to watch.  As a Christian, there are some shows, like, the walking dead, that I can't even bare to watch...

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Did Jesus Lie?: In the Bible

 There is a passage of scripture in which Jesus did something that was out of the ordinary, which has always perplexed me.  In Luke 8, Jesus said something that wasn't true, but does this make him a liar?  A young girl had died and Jesus wanted to console the people, her relatives, by assuring them that she wasn't dead, but was merely asleep.  (Luke 8:52 And all wept, and bewailed her: but he said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. 53 And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.)

So did Jesus say something that wasn't true?  Yes he did, however does that make him a liar?  Well this is where it gets complicated.  This scripture has always been perplexing to me because the Bible says that a liar doesn't have eternal life within him[Revelation 21:27]; now we know that Jesus is the door to eternal life, so how can we reconcile these verses/ideas?

Well, Jesus was speaking to the future, not the present; keep in mind that Jesus is God of all time, not just the present or the past, but the future as well, the bible says that he sits outside of time.  Jesus knew that he had the power to bring the young woman back from the grave, so he told the people that she was not dead, but was asleep to comfort them, knowing that once he raised her from the grave that some of them would assume that she was asleep the entire time and not dead at all.  So, why not speak it into existence?

So, did Jesus say something that wasn't true?  Yes, he did; however, he had the power to make it true, and that's why he didn't lie and isn't a liar!

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Monday, May 22, 2023

The Heart: In the Bible

 I submit to you that we should do what's in our hearts to do; allow me to explain....

Of course, there are times when it may be difficult to do what's in our heart. We may be afraid of what others will think, or we may not be sure what the right thing to do is. But if we can overcome these challenges, we will be rewarded with a life that is more true to ourselves and our values.

In the Bible, the prophet Nathan is consulted by King David; David asks if he could build a house for God? Now isn't that a noble endeavor?  David said that he had a house and God should have one too!  Nathan responded by saying, "do all that is in thy heart to do, for God is with you,"[1 Chronicles 17]  That is a very powerful response my friends, because we as believers are assured that if God is with us, then we can follow through with our heart's desires.  We can be assured of this by realizing that the devil, the adversary, will never put anything in our hearts; only God can command the heart.

It is important to realize here, that if it's been put in your heart, then God placed it there; it doesn't matter what it is or who it affects!

There are many times/situations that we encounter, when we could do good, but we balk at the opportunity.  There are always reasons, but how can we truly justify withholding good from people who need it?  We need more good, more good deeds, in this world.  Those reasons that you come up with not to do good, those come from the devil.  So, who will you listen to?  Will you listen to the good that comes from God or the impulse not to do good, which comes from Satan?

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Thursday, May 11, 2023

US Debt Limit: A Theory

 The U.S. debt limit is the maximum amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow by law. The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

The debt limit has been raised more than 80 times since 1960. In recent years, the debt limit has become a political issue, with Republicans and Democrats often deadlocked over whether to raise it.

If the debt limit is not raised, the government will not be able to borrow money to pay its bills. This could lead to a government shutdown, as well as a default on U.S. debt. A default would have a devastating impact on the U.S. economy and financial markets around the world.

This year, the U.S. government ran up against its legal borrowing limit of $31.381 trillion. This brings me to the point of this post. We are told that the richest man in the world is worth roughly 200 Billion dollars and on any given day that might be Bernard Arnault, Jeff Besos, or Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, or Bill Gates [Job 1:3]. How is it that we don't have a Trillionaire yet? I think that we have one; however, he has been hidden from the world. I mean, who owns all of that $32 Trillion dollars of US Debt? Someone has to own it and that person is the richest person in the world. I know some of you are thinking that countries like China, and Saudi Arabia own most of the US Debt; well, that still leaves Trillions of dollars of debt that has to be owned by a person, a Trillionaire. watch youtube video about my free ebook: Download my free ebook:

Saturday, April 29, 2023

My True Confession

 I had a dream, last night, and in it God told me to confess to one of the things, which I did, that I have always regretted.  There was this girl named Tiffany that I sat beside in 5th grade, in Mrs. Smoakes class, that I was completely infatuated with.  As far as I was concerned, the sun would rise and set because she willed it too.  She was beautiful.  So beautiful in fact that she was intimidating to approach.

Day after day I would daydream of us holding hands and kissing, until I could no longer bear my inability to act; I had to do something.  So, I began to leave notes/messages in her locker.  Poems, puzzles, word games, I was very creative, so she was impressed and looked forward to my notes.  In one of the notes I even told her that my first name had 7 letters(knowing that she would assume the letters were from Matthew, a very popular guy in our class, and she did; I was there when she confronted him); I thought that I was so smart.

She eventually figured out that it was me and confronted me about my actions(the letters and notes); however, I couldn't be honest, I couldn't admit that I loved her.  I was afraid what people would think because she was of another race and that mattered at the time.  She even tried holding my hand just like I wanted; however, I pushed her away and denied my feelings.  She eventually gave up on me, on us.

I saw her a few times over the years and always wanted to confess to her, confess my feelings to her, however it all seemed to be, too little too late.  I am only confessing now because God told me to confess, but I know somehow that Tiffany will read this message; these things have a way of getting out.

It is because of this ordeal that I learned that honest is the best policy. And so, you know my deep, dark secret, the one I was ashamed of.  What are you ashamed of?  Leave me a message in the comments...

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Set Thine House In Order: In the Bible

 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live [2 Kings 20:1].
Someone reading this needs to hear this word; get your house in order because death is near. 

I think about my life because I made a pact with God some 30 years ago when my father was sick, and he could have died, but God extended his life.  I promised God that if he extended my father's life, then he could take the years off of my life.  Maybe someone out there made a similar deal or maybe it's just God's timing, but the word has already sprung forth, and we must prepare for the end.

In Hezekiah's case he prayed to God, and God extended his life by 15 years, so anything is possible, and the bible says that with God all things are possible, so I don't want you to give up on life, however I do want you to be prepared.  I knew a woman who separated from her husband 20 years prior to her death, but never divorced, and because she left no will, her husband got everything.  The house, cars, and everything in her bank account.  Her son was living with her at the time of her death, and her husband kicked him out of the house after she died.  We must be prepared my friends.

The best way to truly prepare is to get yourself right with God; have you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?  We must confess Jesus as Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead to be saved; please accept Christ today...

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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Population Control: A Theory

 The world elites have always had the same agenda and if you deny this then you are out of touch with reality my friend.  Consider the Georgia Guide-stones, a monument that stood for decades, which listed the goals of the Illuminati; One of the key goals listed on the stones was to decrease the world's population to under 500 million.

So there are around 8 Billion people living in the world today, so you ask the question how can they decrease the world's population to 500 million? That's 1/16 of the current population (that's 911 by the way, read my article on 911 here).

So how can they decrease the world's population to 1/16th of its current value?  Well, they can do this by convincing you to fuck your own kind/gender.  The gay agenda serves the goal extremely well because in this new world of same-sex couples no children are being produced.  Think about it why are they really pushing this gay agenda down our throats?  The bible talks about the last days when men will be lovers of themselves [2 Timothy 3:2].  This agenda explains why so many young men are in prison and what do they do in prison but love themselves...

There are already places in the world, like China, where they overtly institute population control.  In China, the people are only allowed to have one child, and it may come to that in the U.S.

And what's the second hot-button topic we face today?  Well, that would be abortion, so the people they can't convince to fuck their own kinda, they trick into having an abortion when they get pregnant.  There have already been around 60 million abortions in the U.S. That's 60 million babies which could have been, that were lost to abortion.

It's all in the news my friends; they are discussing selling an abortion pill at Walmart of all places.  If you can't recognize these agendas, then you are blind/hopeless my friend..

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Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Economy of the Last Days: In the Bible

 I was wondering one day about the economy; to be more precise I was wondering why it seems like congress can't make a long-term decision on how to fund the economy, they just keep propping it up for another 6 months at a time.

After wondering, God responded to me.  He said, the men in power(congress, the President) know that we are in the end days.  They know that my Son will appear and rapture the church out of the earth at any second, and what follows will be a completely different economy.  It will be a satanic economy built around the mark of the beast[Revelation 13:17].  That is why they aren't making any long-term plans to finance the economy, they know that the end is near and that they only have to prop our economy up for another 6 months.  They are doing what Christians should be doing, they are waiting on God.

I even see this on Television, in the past a show aired for 20-30 episodes in a season, now there are shows that have only 6-8 episodes in an entire season.  In the past we had a major hurricane maybe once every 10-15 years, now we are experiencing 2 per year.  Lastly, let's hear from the scientific community; MIT has predicted the society will collapse by 2040. There are many indications that the end is near, they are giving us warning signs.

Perhaps you don't see anything wrong with any of this, don't worry the end time church isn't suppose to notice a thing...

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Preaching Salvation: In the Bible

 I have been going to a church in Columbia for about 3 years and agree with 95% of the pastor's doctrine, however he did something today that I cannot agree with.  Today the church was so caught up in worship that the pastor didn’t have time to preach: he opened the doors of the church without preaching first.

The Bible says that by the foolishness of preaching men are saved[1 Corinthinas1], so without preaching no one can be saved.  My wife admonished me for pointing out this discrepancy and said, "he didn't preach but he quoted a ton of scriptures"  Once again, the bible doesn't say by the quoting of scripture men are saved, but by preaching men are saved.

Another thing that bothers me is that in 3 years of going to that church, I hadn't seen as many people come forward to be saved as I did today, they were overcome with worship, and it bothers me because the pastor didn't even preach.  So what drew them to Christ; well, my wife believes that the spirit in the worship service and the scriptures quoted by the pastor, drew them to Christ; I believe that this points to the doctrines of the last days, doctrines of devils, stating that you can be saved without preaching.

I am positive that a few of you don't see anything wrong with the pastor not preaching., well, the bible says that in the end times, there will be all manner of false doctrine and crimes against the faith of  Christ and the people won't see anything wrong with it!!!

So, tell me what do you think?  Is the bible wrong, can you be saved without preaching Jesus Christ and Christ crucified?

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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Selling Your Soul: In The Bible

 We often wonder if it's possible for someone to sell their soul.  Well, the Bible does say that Babylon traded in the souls of men[Revelation 18:13]. However, the Bible also says that all souls belong to God[Ezekiel 18:4], so how can you sell something that you do not own?  You can't so don't even try to make the argument.

God is our caretaker and he holds each of our souls/lives in his hand; he is ultimately responsible for our present and future well-being.  We have a soul that can be saved and one that can be condemned, but its ownership should not be in question.  God has said, "all souls are mine"...

So, why is it that there are people who still believe that Satan can take ownership over one's soul.  The book of Revelation spells out the events that will happen in the end days and chronicles what's happening in heaven up until the judgement.  In reading the book of Revelations, I somehow missed the part where Satan approaches God's throne with a gigantic book of contracts and says, "these souls are mine"; that doesn't happen in the Bible and it will not happen because our souls belong to God.  End of story!

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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Salvation is Personal: In the Bible

 God showed me in a dream, that we should never question/proclaim that someone is not saved.  I'll be direct here... the bible says that if you confess that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and believe that God raised him from the grave, then you are saved.  There is no other standard for salvation.

I say this because sometimes we look at people's actions and declare that they are not saved.  (1)For example, there was a pastor that I met when I was young that went around molesting young kids(I was one of them that he molested), I can't say that he wasn't saved, what he did was wrong and evil but he could have been saved. (2) In the bible, Paul was consenting that Steven(who is considered to be a Saint) should be killed, and did worse things than that in God's name, however no one will say that Paul wasn't saved(Paul did these things before he was saved by the way).

In my dream, I kissed a woman who was not my wife and all of my sisters attacked me and said that I was not saved because I had sinned.  It is my personal belief that a man can have more than one wife.  Now the bible does say that if you have a wife, seek not a wife [1 Corinthians 7:27], and when we are married we agree to forsake all others (which is not in the Bible); but as far was the Bible is concerned, we can have more than one wife.  In the bible David, who the bible calls a man after God's own heart, had three wives and his son, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines(women who he slept with, who were not his wife)  There isn't a Christian alive that will say that David nor Solomon wasn't saved and they lived before they could confess Jesus(Read my book: Jesus in Hell four days, to find out how they were saved).

The point of this post is this; salvation is a personal thing; it's between a person and God; yes there are things we shouldn't do if we are saved but sinning does not mean that we are not saved...

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Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Real Jews: A Theory

 The search for the real Jewish people begins in Nazi Germany with the Ashkenazi Jews. Hitler wanted all of the Jews eliminated, especially the ones in Germany and he succeeded at doing this. The Lord revealed to me that only 3% of the Jews in Germany, survived the Holocaust, so this means that the people taken from Germany after the war to populate Israel were largely non-Jewish: they were Khazars.

The Bible supports my theory in Revelation 3:9 it says that there are a people who say that they are Jews but do lie, therefore the people in Israel claiming to be Jews, do lie and are not Jews at all.  The black race of Sephradic Jews has more of a claim on Jerusalem than the so-called Jews living there today and let's not forget that the blacks living in the United States have a Jewish ancestry.  

The Bible says that God will raise his people from their graves and repopulate Israel, Ezekiel 37:12.  If Israel was actually populated with Jews, why would God have to raise the people from their graves?  It's because as I have said Hitler wiped out the Jews and only 3% survived.  I know that this won't be a popular message and few will accept it, but isn't that how the truth works?

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Remix King: I did it my way

My friends the end is near

So let me be clear, before the final curtain

Heaven is my home and I'll return

Of this I am certain

I've lived a life that's pure

My fate is sure,

Like Abraham, I rejoiced to see His day

And more, much more than this, I did it God's way

Say your prayers

Care when no one else cares

Please be aware, sin is everywhere

Don't let it drag you down

You can clown but don't be a clown

If you believe in something, hold your ground

If you think you're right, do not yield

I can't stomach the thought of my child as one who kneels

State your reason but not in a shy way

Then at last you can say, I did it my way

They can never say that I froze

I took the blows, had many a bloody nose

But some suppose, the wrong path was chose

But it was all by innuendos

All I can say is the world ain't your friend yo

I'm the chosen, the path was set for me

How could God get upset with me

He's laughing from eternity

He's calling me home

And when I'm gone, it won't be just another day

This I can say, I did it (God's way)my way

The call, I answered the call

And when assignments were handed out

I carried them out without exception

To find heaven you must have the right perception

What is a man, what has he got

Without the Lord, then he has not John 15:5

The path I took was at God's choosing

And now my haters talk, and I find it all quite amusing

One day, I'll see my name plastered across the New York skyway

And more much more than this, I did it God's way

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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Remix KIng: Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time
Only She could change my mind
Belle  was so loving and kind
I took a chance and left my doubts behind
Now like Johnny, I walk the line
Never felt the same
Since she called my name
I cast off all my shame
For her, I stake my claim
She is one fine dame
We can start as friends
Our relationship begins
Our feeling just increase
I’m in love to say the least
Beauty and the Beast

With her, I can rest in peace
I confessed to her as a priest
Never would have thought
Chiefly cause we fought
But it was love we sought
Now she’s mine to say the least
Beauty and the Beast
Forever is my claim
She is one fine dame
Time freezes when I look into her eyes
Each day I wake up to surprise
She leaves me wanting more
Our love is just as sure
As the sun will rise in the east
Beauty and the Beast

Forever and a day
Our love will always stay
Together it's like we were born this way
Praying as we play
Watching what we say
I look forward to it all day
Watching over you as you lay
Never go to sleep angry
I embraced a little change
When I saw she was in my range
Now our new life has begun
Now our love is certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and...
Beauty and the Beast

Jesus is the ruler of all times
He helps me with my rhymes
He's blessed to say the least
He's the prince of peace
He can set you free
For us, his life he gave
Freed a home born slave Jeremiah 2:14
God raised him from the grave
He's the prince of peace
It's painful how he died
But for us, he tried
Died to set us free
Now rests in eternity
He's the prince of peace
Jesus, God in the flesh
The son of the blessed
He's our high priest now
To his father kept his vows
Was born a holy child
He's the prince of peace
Perfect from his virgin birth
He said If I be lifted up; I will draw the earth
He said follow after me
Inhabit my throne, Inherit eternity
He's the prince of peace

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Friday, December 30, 2022

Salvation, Don't be too smart: In the Bible

 The bible speaks of people who think that they are so smart that they can fool God.  Paul calls them unworthy of eternal life Acts 13:46.  I had this friend in high school that called me one day to tell me about the new version of windows that had come out, he told me that he was impressed with the software and wondered if I had used it.  I told him no and asked him what he liked about the software and he just repeated the same thing over and over again when I asked.  He said, "it was just so pretty", so I intuitively knew that he had no idea how to use the software, but thought that he could somehow fool me into believing that the did.

Several years later I bumped into him at Walmart and he starts telling me about his relationship with God; he says that his pastor preached about the Dry bones, and I said oh Ezekiel, and he says so you know about that scripture and I said yes.  He tells me that the story is beautiful and that hearing it just does something to him, so I asked him what was so moving about the dry bones and he said, "It's just how one bone came upon another bone, it just does something to me."  God showed me that he wanted me to believe that he was saved.

Well, my friends if that's what he wanted me to believe then he failed, telling me a little about the dry bones story did not make me believe that he was saved in fact it did the opposite.  It made me believe that it was the only bible story he knew and he really didn't know much about it.  In his mind he was too smart for me and he believed that he fooled me into believing that he was a Christian.  Well, he didn't fool me and he's not fooling God.  On judgement day when God asks him about his relationship with his son, Jesus, God isn't gonna accept his saying how beautiful their relationship was..

God wants to know if you know his son, Jesus.  Do you know him?

The testimony of Jesus Christ, begins with believing the witness of God.  What is the witness of God? This is answered in, [1 John 5:1-13] (He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.  These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.)  The first step towards salvation is believing the witness of God, that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life.  Christians believe this because we know that God cannot lie [Titus 1:2].  To receive salvation you must:

(1). Realize that you are a sinner, dead in your sins, under the judgement of God: [Romans 5:12]   (Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:)  Repent of sin [Acts 3:17-26].  

(2). Realize that Jesus died for your sins and that salvation is available only through Jesus. [Romans 5:8-9] (But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.)

(3). You must confess with your mouth Jesus as your Lord & Savior, and believe that God raised Jesus from the grave; have faith in God's word, that God raised Jesus from the dead [Romans 10:9-10].  (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation).  Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen; without faith it is impossible to please God; they who come to God must first believe that He is and that he rewards them who diligently seek him [Hebrews 11:1-7].  Faith is trusting that God will reward righteousness at the appointed time, which is determined by you being saved by faith.  Finally, be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [Matthew 28:19].

Once you have done the things listed above you are a saved child of God, however your walk with God has only begun.  The path to eternal life is referred to as, "the fight of faith" [1 Timothy 6:12-16], so there should be no illusions of a carefree earthly existence; all who live Godly will suffer persecutions [2 Timothy 3:11-13].

After accepting Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior it is important to grow in the Lord by reading his word, the bible.  Read the book of Luke and find out about Jesus' ministry and how he suffered for your salvation, by suffering persecutions and dying on the cross.  Learn how Jehovah God raised Jesus from the dead and gave him all power in heaven and earth [Luke 24].  Lastly, learn how to inhabit the body that God gave you...

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Saturday, December 3, 2022

911: A Theory

 I wanted to take a moment and talk about the number 911. Revelation 9:11 speaks about an angel who is worshiped by the world elites. That is why the attacks on September 11 (911) happened, the people that died were sacrificed to the angel of the bottomless pit. 

Let’s take a look at some of the ways the number 911 is presented to you on a daily basis. The world elites use a type of magic because they want to manifest that angel into this realm and believe that if they can get you to subconsciously think about the number 911, repeatedly, then that angel will materialize into this plane of existence.  Let's not forget that the world, the universe, and everything we see was formed by words/thought[Hebrews 11:3], so why can't thought transport a being from one reality into another one?

So how is 911 presented to us?  The following are all examples of the number 911:  29, 92, 26, 62, 956, 974, 983, 656, 674, 683, 929, 2189, (77=626), etc…I could go on and on…(it is important to realize that the elites view a 6 as an upside down 9)

As Christians, we should know that 911 is actually equal to 666.  Let  me explain.  29=two 9s=18=6+6+6=666 (or 26262, which is 911): we should be aware of the devils devices.  With this knowledge, you will discover that the number 911 is all around you everyday. So once you know this you can rebuke this spirit and pray about it. 

I have a test for you, go to your local grocery store then go to your local gas station and write down the address of both and I guarantee you that you'll see the number, 911 (29, or 26) in the address.  Why because the bible says that none shall buy or sell without the mark, or number of the beast [Revelation 13:17].

We discuss mirrors with numbers on this blog, so I would like to inform you that 911 is a mirror; IXXI, is a mirror.  If you would like to learn more about mirrors, read my free ebook below...
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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Hammer of the Lord; In the Bible

Do you want to know who I am
I am the Hammer of the Lord[Jeremiah 23]
I destroy discord
I hover over those of one accord
I cut through evil like a sword
I make living righteously look hard
I break habits like a board
My hits you can't absorb
I'm made of iron, can't be brittle, that's absurd
I am the Hammer of the Lord
I make dreams come true
I hammer down nails, pound down truths for you
I make hard heads feel pain
Can you comprehend what I am saying?
I am a sign of God's reign,
And off the rails like a train
I fall on sinner like God's disdain
My hits damage the brain
I make those with insensitivity feel pain
You may complain, but my judgment will not wane
The pain I cause drives the sane, insane
I am the Hammer of the Lord
I fall on sinners like a summer rain
Once I hit you no one wants to feel that again
My claw will make you forget what you saw
The instructions on my face will teach you God's law
My neck and head will make your meat feel raw
Like Jesus said, handle me[Luke 24] and see that I am real
I'm large and in all respects I am a big deal
I am the wheel in the middle of the wheel
I am death's Achilles heel
I am the pain that makes the truth seem real
Like a big mac truck, I'm a value deal
I consume unrighteousness like a happy meal
And will drive even the largest nail home
I hit believers in the head, seal them with a goodly seal
When busy, I'll send a millstone down in my stead
I bring the truth to a head
I drive the truth home
I break up sin like a gallstone
Unrighteousness I can't condone
I will break up even a gravestone
Sin I make you leave it alone
I am the Hammer of the Lord

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

My Life's work: When I'm gone

 When I'm gone
I want people to say he never did anybody wrong
Was motivated by a good song
His sickness didn't last long
Was relieved when God called him home
Was called up to heaven to share God's throne [Revelation 3:21]
You can appreciate me more when I'm gone
Don't appreci-hate-me because I stayed too long

They can say; he was ahead of the curve
Knew how to use a verb and adverb
Was adept at using a blurb
Could rhyme like none other
A real wise/deep brother
A credit to his father and mother

When I'm gone
You can appreciate my works
Read my books
Realize the dedication writing them took
Summarize all the things me writing them forsook
Cantonize them, add them to the book
After all the calling of God is what writing them took
So everyone should take a look, take my words to heart
Yeah that would be a good start

When I'm gone, I can rest in peace knowing I did my part
Be recognized for my verbal art
For my many styles like the Stylistics
Be celebrated for my linguistics
My poems will be played accompanied by acoustics
Let them say I was a friend to good music

When I'm gone I can't accept your praise
The bible tells us to number our days
So follow Jesus, be like him in all your ways
My works will be rewarded, I will coin a phrase
Like Hezekiah said the lord is good in my days'
Let my life's work amaze

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Friday, September 9, 2022

Televison Actors: A Theory

 As a society, we are well immersed from the womb with the leaven/theology of television; it is engrained within our consciousness from childhood and is one of the most diabolical tools used by the enemy to cut us off from the person that God wants us to be... But how/why is television so harmful?

Well, the TV shows we watch are composed with actors, who portray certain subjects; let me state this another way, they are puppets lying to you, pretending to be something they are not.  It is my theory that we are born knowing the difference between truth and lies; we are born with the ability to detect when someone is lying.  Our natural man at birth can differentiate the truth from falsehood, however watching television(the constant lies portrayed by actors, diminishes our ability to differentiate truth from lies)... In the bible[2 Chronicles 18:15] one of the Kings said, that he only wanted to hear the truth, but we listen to falsehood, actors speaking lies daily...

The bible says that believers shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free, free from the bondage of sin and lies.  Listening to actors on television diminishes our ability to detect the truth from lies because everything we hear on television is lies, people pretending to mourn, pretending to be in love, pretending to be angry, pretending to speak the truth...

The bible says that all the paths of the lord are truth; therefore lying puts one on another path; the path that the world wants us on.  The bible says that a wicked generation is coming that will not speak the truth to their neighbor; that generation is here my friends...
The bible says that believers are born(born again) knowing the truth [John 14]; it dwells in us.  This is as I have said, we are born knowing the truth, but the world directs us away from it and one of its chief tool to do this is television.  The bible says that we have to receive the love of the truth, Jesus Christ, in order to be saved.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Blaspheming the Holy Spirt: A Theory

 I was in church the other Sunday and the preacher began to speak in tongues, and I wondered, "what if this guy really isn't speaking in tongues, but is pretending?  Would that be blasphemy?"  So, what is blasphemy?  It is defined as, the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.  Therefore, does speaking in tongues, fall under profane talk?  Well, yes it would be profane if one were pretending to speak in tongues because when one speaks in tongues, he is speaking to God, so the sacrilege would stem from pretending to speak in a heavenly language.  Paul, said he went to heaven and heard words that can't be spoken on earth, but would rather speak 5 words in a known tongue than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue [1 Corinthians 14:19].  So why do people speak in tongues if it is frowned upon in the bible.

Well, the bible says that in the last days people will have a form of godliness but deny the power of God.  That's what speaking in tongues is.  When one is pretending to speak to God and making a show to be praised of men, he is denying the power of God to hear his words and grant his petitions.  

One of my friends has always boasted that he could speak in tongues and did so on numerous occasions, but recently told me that he converted to Judaism and no longer believed in the New Testament.  So, I asked him if he could still speak in tongues and he said yes.  I informed him that speaking in tongues was a New Testament ordinance delivered to us by Christ; therefore one must believe in Christ/Jesus to speak in tongues.  He could not explain himself.  Could it be that he was pretending to be a Christian the entire time, and never believed in Christ?  The bible says that if he had been one of us, he would have remained with us[1 John 2:19]...

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Remix King: This is Why I love you

God, I found a love that was true
And Jesus I know you love me too
I started out my life in doubt
But afflictions, you always bring me out
Read your bible every day for mental fitness
My father's the first, the works the second witness
My father always says how easily one turns into two
At home let me meditate on you
In church, I shout, the testimony of two witnesses is true
Jesus I love you, I do
Jesus, when I was at my worst, you reversed the curse
And all I had to do is put you first
This is why I love you
Ooh this is why I love you
Because you love me
You love me, first [1 John 4:19]
This is why I love you
Ooh this is why I love you
Because you love me, first
You love me
This is why I love you
You are my beloved true
My true beloved I love you
The trinity means love too
Jesus said I knew you before you knew me
I see our end triumphantly
When you accept salvation
You are baptized into a new nation
You're baptized by Immersion
Experience the father's love in three person 
That's 3-love from above
It descends like a dove
God taught you love, before you knew love
Love is pure and comes down from above
It can make you a light in the world
Jesus is the light of the world
God has no rival
Read your bible
It teaches the father's love
The father loves the son
And teaches him all that he knows
Love your foes not just your friends
And when the spirit speaks, say amen
I can teach you love, let us begin

Ooh this is why I love you
Because you love me
You love me, first
This is why I love you
Ooh this is why I love you
Because you love me, first
You love me

There is no fear in love
Perfect love casteth out all fear
I'll say it again to make it clear
He that fears, my word did not hear
The truth he can't come near
He's in the headlights like a deer
Obey the voice you hear
Commune with me come near
Live life without fear
Repeat what you hear
Spread my word, draw men near
I love you because you follow my commands
At the end of time rest in my hands
Complete my plan
Your salvation was planned
Jesus died for all to finish the work
Finish the plan, I can only work if God lets it
His word is in my heart, I can't forget it
It's like a class, introduction to the bible
Jesus can Introduce God to me and you
His shed blood is why I love you
This is why I love you

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Remix King: A Thousand Years

Mi Amore, I adore, even after kisses galore

I need you more, I need one more kiss

My state of mind is bliss

I savor this, don't want to forget

You're a target that's hard to hit

Sing to me more, I admit, now I like this

I adore, waiting for it, give me what I need more of it

Run to the store, flowers galore, but I pick one more

You should stop keeping score

Now I'm a bore, one you choose to ignore

Love you til my heart is sore

You can't care less, I can't care more

I made up my mind, not to do that anymore

Let me re-state, stop the hate

Tempting me is like tempting fate

I reiterate; I have loved you for a thousand years

Love you for a thousand more

There's the door, open it more

Leave, what are you waiting for

Reasons, I have them galore

Don't give me one more

Stop pushing me, are you gonna hit me?

NO! I am not, you just don't get me

Maybe in another thousand years

After I've cried a million tears

The end of us is one of my biggest fears

Its head has crept up through the years

But the boundaries of our relationship has always been clear

 I would never cross that line angel

You are heavenly, divine

I claim ownership, like you are mine

We’ll stand the test of time 

I love you, would never hurt you

If I did, I would not deserve you

I place nothing above you

I'll see you in a thousand years [Revelation 20:5]

I'll still be here

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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Remix King: Come Away with Me

Come away with me in the night

Come away with me and we might

Soar like a kite on dove's wings

Come away with me and we'll sing

Share my plight and I will write you a song

We can go where only we belong

Come away with me on a bus

Come away where they can't tempt us, with their lies [Matthew 4:3]

Sympathize with me and you can walk and be free

We can walk on a cloudy day

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you come join in say that you will try

Come away with me and we'll kiss

I close my eyes because I want to taste a kiss

Life is bliss with my little Swiss Miss

Come away with me to the Alps

We can dance on a mountaintop

Once we begin you'll have to tell me where to stop

Come away with me everything I will drop

Just let me in then we can begin

Once we begin I'll never stop needing you

Your body has its own language will never stop reading you

You speak evil of my name to my disdain 

Teardrops hidden as we walk in the rain

I'm in pain like I fell off a roof

You're my candy you fulfill my sweet tooth

You're my brandy but you smell like vermouth

I promise to tell you nothing but the truth

Ask me a question like you're asking Dr. Ruth

Or Dear Abby, I'm savvy

If you want me, you can have me

Let's get married