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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Kang the Conqueror: In the Bible

 Kang comes from a future version of earth, the 40th century, and seeks to bend control of all time to himself; he wields a  diverse set of futuristic weapons at his command. Kang has no superhuman abilities but is an extraordinary genius, an expert historical scholar, and a master physicist (specializing in time travel), engineer, and tactician. Kang is a fallen angel, in the bible; this would give him knowledge of the future as well as a keen historical perspective.  It was the fallen angels who taught men the use of money(root of all evil) and taught them to craft weapons of war.  But where does Kang's knowledge come from; well, it comes from Satan, let's not forget that when he tempted Adam & Eve, he told them that all knowledge would be theirs and they would be like gods.  It is Kang's goal to use the knowledge and power he has amassed to become a god...   

Kang is armed with 40th-century technology, wearing highly advanced battle armor that enhances his strength, is capable of energy, hologram, and force-field projection, has a 30-day supply of air and food, and is capable of controlling other forms of technology. Courtesy of his "time-ship", Kang has access to technology from any century, is also far more resistant to radiation than humans from the present time.

So, who in the bible does Kang represent, and how will he achieve mastery of all time?  The Bible says that one day in heaven is like a thousand years on Earth, so a being that left heaven would virtually be thousands of years ahead of us.  So, what is Kang's goal, and why has Kang been our adversary from the beginning?  Kang is a son of Satan, that is why he attacks and destroys, why he murders and kills... The Bible speaks of Satan's sons: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

But is Kang a liar?  Well, yes he is: he calls himself the master of time(the Bible says, that all times are in God's hands, [Psalm 31], so how could Kang be the master of time?), and Kang even stated that only he could destroy the moon.  This is relevant because the bible says that the moon will always be present, until God makes a new heaven and a new earth, only then will the Sun & Moon be done away with because Jesus Christ will be our light [Revelation 21:23]; the moon will always be present; therefore Kang cannot change the word of God and destroy the moon.  Changing the word of God is what Satan(or his sons) attempts to do...

Kang calls himself, "He who remains", meaning that after everything else has perished, he will remain.  This is what Jesus calls himself, the first and last one [Revelation 22:13].  Only a son of Satan would blaspheme and give himself, misappropriate, one of the names of God.  This is how we know that Kang is one of Satan's sons in the Bible...

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

What's wrong with watching, Motherland Fort Salem: A Theory

 First off the show deals with witchcraft and the Bible expressly states that believers should not dabble in witchcraft and calls for sharp punishments to those who practice witchcraft.   Exodus 22:18 – Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Leviticus 19:26 – Ye shall not ... use enchantment, nor observe times. Leviticus 20:27  A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: In the Bible King Saul was dethroned for a number of reasons, chiefest of which was consulting a witch that had a familiar spirit.  

The show deals with enchantments and familiar spirits along with a host of other ungodly observances.  One of the worst deals with using Jesus's words in vain.  Jesus said that he would perform a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.” And again he said, "I work the works of him that sent me"  In the show a "work" is considered an act/feat of magic, which totally corrupts what Jesus stood for and how he used the word "work".   The Pharisees asked Jesus why he healed a man on the Sabbath day and Jesus said, "my father works on the Sabbath day and so do I."  Jesus said that his works testify to the world that God sent him.  To what do the "works" on this show testify?

Don't miss this...the works(miracles) that Jesus did were through the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit; the works of magic performed on this show are through some unknown force.  Remember, that in the end times people will worship a god of Forces!!!  [Daniel 11:38]  Keep in mind, that one of the most popular movie franchises, Star Wars, is centered around a spirit called the force, which gives people force powers.  Many people repeat the phrase from the movies, "may the force be with you"...

The show's premise is based on the assumption that witches could have been an important part of the military if they had been drafted into it instead of slaughtered like they were at the Salem witch trials.  It is significant to state here that Salem is short for Jerusalem, which is the city of God and the Bible calls this city sacred.  So, why are they taking the holy city and making a mockery of it.  Well, that's what the devil does; he mocks and mimics what is born of the celestial because he cannot duplicate it.   

The show also portrays lesbianism which traditionally goes hand in hand with witches or covens.  One of the main characters is gay, and the show delves into her relationship with one of the other characters.   These sorts of cursed lifestyles (the bible calls them cursed lifestyles not me) should not be glorified on television.  The people of this day are wayward souls and eat up this kind of dribble, which is a subtle reminder of what time we are in.  This is the end times my friend make no mistake about it.      

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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Pen15: A Theory

 There is a tv show on Hulu called, “Pen15” and on the surface you can’t find anything wrong with that name,  but let’s look deeper. Let’s look at the 15. If you make the 1 an I and the 5 an S, the word “PENIS” is revealed. The ones who are overcome by the evil one worship the phallic symbol, so that's why the show is named Penis. I have seen this symbolism all over from my hometown’s circle to adorning houses to the Washington monument to being placed as tombstones. But I know that you want to say that’s just a coincidence, and that I have a dirty mind.  Well let me show you another coincidence. I went to Wendy’s to get me a frosty and I saw 666 in the window. Look at the picture below and if you have eyes to see you will see that 2+4=6. So if you want a job you have to text the devil; doesn't it seem like the devil has control of the job market sometimes... How can we reject the devil's number one day when we see it and accept it every day?  What if God(Jehovah) asks you one day why did you eat at the place that had 666 in the window knowing that it is the devil’s number[Revelation 13:18]?  The Bible says that in the last days people will have eyes that see not and ears that hear not[Mark 8:18]: (speaking of hearing…did you know that “OH” is one of the devils names yet we listen to it in music all the time) that we might be condemned.  So you ask the question as a Christian is it alright to eat there knowing that there is a 666 on the building.  Well, Paul answered this question [1 Corinthians 8:10]when Christians were eating meat at an Idol's temple; he said not to eat there if it makes your weak brother offend, but later said that's its just meat(burgers and fries) and can be eaten as long as you pray over it...

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Remix King: Astronaut In the Ocean


What you know about rollin' down in the deep?

When your eyes puffed up and your ass can't sleep

I was an asshole now you calling me a creep

When your emotions are so cold you cry ice in your sleep

When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze

When these people talk too much, they be shooting the breeze,

At ease; I'm just relaxing here, taking in the breeze 

I'm so cool, they call me Mr. Freeze

But sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees

I wanted to explore space, where did I get the notion

But I made a deal and traded space for the ocean

I made a shady deal, drank a shady potion

I feel like an astronaut in the ocean,[Jonah 2]

Who started this shit, what's the commotion 

Your words are deeper than mine, where did you get the notion

You did your dirt, now you can't sleep

What you know about rollin' down in the deep?

When what you saw keeps you up all night

Your eyelids look like you been in a fight

And you need pills and booze to get right

I know about the deep, the deep is my plight

What you know about the dark, I know it by the light

You ask for the truth, it can heal you it just might

I feel like an astronaut in the ocean

She say that I'm cool (damn straight)

I'm like "yeah, that's true" so what about me and you?

Do you know how easily one turns into two

I'm an astronaut, you can be one too

I know I'm upsetting you, but you can have a wedding too

If you're tired, I will carry you

If you're agreeable, I might just marry you

I'm a monster, I can be scary too

But I'm honest, the truth can be scary too

When it all falls down, it might just bury you

Bet I'm the first astronaut you ever knew

Together we can explore the ocean blue

I'd like to explore you

Open the capsule door for you

Give up my bed, sleep on the floor for you

Unlock and open every door for you

I just might marry you

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Deescalate The Police: A Theory

 After wars in Iraq and Afghanistan many changes were made to the training of Police, which inspired a military style force in the United States.  The mild-mannered police force was no more and what replaced it was a rabid-like, overly aggressive force, whose officers were more likely to use deadly force on a routine police stop.  Because of this uptick in police brutality, cities like, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore and a dozen more cities have all reduced police spending; they have chosen to defund the police.

This lack of policing of course has given way to an increasing amount of crime in these areas.  Cities that have chosen to defund the police have seen major upticks in murder and violent crimes.  It is my conclusion that we need the police, they play a critical role in this society; the rule of law plays a vital role in this society, we just need to reform the police officers who think that they are the law.  We need to remove the use of deadly force from routine police stops.  What we need to do is deescalate the police[Luke 12:58].  All the military style training that has been engrained in the police force needs to be removed, and police departments providing the proper training is essential to achieve this goal.  If you look at the FBI, for example, when their agents are responding to a domestic situation, they bring social workers along with them.  In cases where mental health is at the core of the problem, they bring psychiatrist to the scene; there is a ton of good behaviors that the police can learn from the FBI, and when was the last time you heard of an FBI agent abusing his power, or using deadly force on a routine stop?  We need FBI style training for our officers not military style training.  

So my friends I want to assure you that defunding the police is not the answer, deescalating them is!

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Monday, March 15, 2021

Bad Covid-19 Vaccine; A Theory

In addition to Germany, Italy, France and Spain on Monday, other nations across Europe and worldwide have halted use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, one of the big three, because of possible blood clotting risks. Last week, Denmark became the first country to suspend implementation of the drug, with Norway, Iceland and Bulgaria following. So what is going on and why isn't this being reported in the U.S.

We have been told that these new vaccines are all made in a similar fashion, using the same techniques, so doesn't this mean that all the vaccines could potentially be harmful, by causing blood clots?  Well we need to follow the science and so far we just haven't seen this reaction to the other drugs.  But we have definitely skipped the normal trial process, to speed up the drug distribution, but who knows what has been missed in this sped up process.  

The suspensions were not limited to Europe, with Indonesia also announcing a delay to its rollout of the AstraZeneca version, which is cheaper than its competitors and billed as the vaccination of choice for poorer nations.  Why are the poor always the victims in these sorts of things.  We must remember the lesser developed countries where the vaccine isn't free like it is in the U.S. [Mark 14:7]

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Superbowl LV: In The Bible

 I think that I finally have the right idea about football and more precisely the Superbowl.  The Bible says not to love the things of the world, to be in the world but not of the world [1John 2].  But what does that really mean to the Christian?  Well how does the world view the Superbowl?  Well football is a religion and the Superbowl is played on its highest holy day; the games are played on Sundays; the games are played in massive stadiums that resemble cathedrals, and there are even organs in the stadiums for the fans to sing along(because there are even football songs)like lining a hymn.  Fans and reporters come in from around the globe, in droves, like they are visiting Mecca or making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.  The Superbowl is viewed as a high holy day to its fans from around the globe, who show up faithfully year after year no matter what city the game is played in.  And I wonder how many people will say a prayer for their team on the high holy day the game is played?  Well, that's where I draw the line; I won't be praying for my team to win this year; I have more important prayers for God to answer...

I am a Chiefs fan; I came over from the 49ers, when Joe Montana switched teams years ago, and have remained a Chiefs fan ever since.  I praised(rooted for) the Chiefs year after year, and year after year I was disappointed until last year; you could say that my prayers had been answered, when KC won its first Superbowl in the modern era.  I even thanked God for allowing KC to win.  Now I believe that being caught up in the Superbowl to that degree is just wrong; its being too worldly.  I ask you to gauge your level of interest/support for any one team today, and govern yourself accordingly.   The Bible says if we love the world the love of our father is not in us. 

Also if you take Superbowl LIV, LV, and LVI you have a mirror:  LIV55LVI

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Friday, January 29, 2021

King Solomon's Heart: A Theory

(In [1 Kings 3] we find that Solomon is speaking with the Lord.  The bible says that God gives us instruction in our dreams.)  In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.  (What kind of things do we ask God for?) And Solomon said, Thou hast shewed unto thy servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness, that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day.  And now, O Lord my God, thou hast made thy servant king instead of David my father: and I am but a little child: I know not how to go out or come in. (Do you know how to come in and go out before God?) And thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude.  Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: (In the era of name-it, claim-it, what things do we ask God for, and are they pleasing in his sight?) for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?  And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.  And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment; Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.  (We must remember that we should only ask God for things that are in alignment with his will; things that will help us run this race and complete his will...)  (Jesus said, ask the father in my name, and he will give it thee, and so we must remember this when praying.)

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Jacob: A Theory

 In the bible it says that the greater man blesses the lesser man.  We find in [Genesis 47:10] that Jacob blesses Pharaoh and before you know it Jacob's descendants were enslaved by Pharaoh.  Jacob was clearly the greater man because as the bible stated, the greater man blesses the lesser.  Now Jacob and his heir were over Pharaoh in God's eyes until Jacob blessed Pharaoh.  Was Jacob's children being enslaved by Pharaoh a coincidence or is there something more there?  We should be careful who we bless my friends, because the bible says that if you bless someone who is evil then you partake in their evil deeds [2 John 1:11] and you lose favor with God.  Some sinners sneeze just to get saints to bless them and once you bless then they have power over you, just as Pharaoh had power over Jacob's descendants.  

There is someone in your life right now that you have prayed to God to deal with them and you wonder why God hasn't; well perhaps it's because you have blessed them already.  The blessing has gone forth from God and so the sinner who is tormenting you has been elevated over you.   Like Balaam said once the children of Israel had been blessed, how shall I defy whom God has not defied.  I can't make this stuff up my friends, we must be vigilant because our adversary, the devil is relentless, and he doesn't play fair.  The very things we call harmless end up being our undoing!   

So if you think that it is harmless to say "bless you" when someone sneezes, think again!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

We Need A Strong God: In the Bible

Kirk Franklin has a song out in which he says, "We need a strong  God, we need a real God", well I take exception to this because as Christians, don't we already have a strong God, a real God?  Why isn't he saying, we have a strong God a real God?  What god is Kirk Franklin referring to, when he is supposedly a Christian minister/artist.  It seems to me that Franklin is hell-bent on switching gods and choosing a new god.  Are we being introduced to the antichrist through seemingly Christian music?  Franklin asks in the song, "Who going to save the babies?", doesn't he know that Christ died for them.  Franklin says that he needs a god with resurrection power from the grave; don't we already have a God with resurrection power from the grave; now let's be careful here because the bible says that the Antichrist will survive a deadly head wound, he will literally be resurrected from the grave, mirroring Christ's resurrection, and all the world will wonder after the beast[Revelation 13:3].  Franklin is setting the people up to be deceived.  This just isn't Christian music!  The lyrics from the song are below, along with my comments...

Mayday, mayday (yeah)The Earth is shaking (yeah)

Who gonna save the babies (yeah)

(Jesus saves all his children)

From another Bloody Sunday?

I'm singing mayday, mayday (yeah)

They love me or they hate me (yeah)

For my skin color (yeah)

But you say I am your brother, yeah

(We are all brothers and sisters in Christ)

The government keep lying to me

Telling me that they gonna set the people free

(Only God can make you free) [John 8:32]

Cut the power phones when you catch us on our knees

Heaven please, we're in a state of emergency

See we need a strong God, yeah

(Jehovah is a strong God, we already have a strong God)  [Proverbs 18:10]

We need the real God, yeah

(Jehovah is the real God)

The God with the resurrection power from the grave

To take away the hate, to heal the human race, yeah

(Jehovah has shown his resurrection power, he has never 

promised to take away hate, rather that we will be hated, and he will heal the nations)

We need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a strong God

See we need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

Yuh, yuh, yuh

Say mayday, mayday

They say the climate changin'

The poor people in the cold

But you keep preachin' to they soul

But we don't leave 'til everybody's free

And we won't sleep 'til everybody eats (yeah, yeah)

Until lives matter (yeah)

More than tithes matter (sing!)

(The church needs to put saving souls first)

The government keep lying to me

Telling me that they gonna set the people free

Cut the power phones when you catch us on our knees

Heaven please, we're in a state of emergency

See we need a strong God, real strong, yeah

We need the real God, yeah, yeah

The God with the resurrection power from the grave

To take away the hate, to heal the human race

See we need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a strong God

See we need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

We need a (we need a)

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Monday, November 23, 2020

How Stuff Works, Electoral College, Federal Reserve: A Theory

 We are a country of conscientious people, and we all try to stay up to date on current events, and pride ourselves on being informed about the world around us.  For the most part we stay informed about things which affect our daily lives.  But there are two things in this country that no one can fully explain and the two things I am referring to is the Federal Reserve Banking system and The Electoral College system.  

I will only say one thing about the Federal Reserve Banking System, and then I will move on to the Electoral College.  What sense does it make for the government to go to an outside party to lend money to itself at a premium(at interest), when it can print all the money it wants to or needs for free(without borrowing and without paying interest).  If I gave you a printing press and you could print all the $100s you needed, would you go out and get a $30,000 loan to buy a new car?  No you'd just print the money you needed and not owe a dime.  That 20 Trillion dollars of interest that we currently owe as a nation would be wiped away if the government simply printed its own money and paid its own bills.  That's all I'll say...

Now the electoral college will be in the news in the coming weeks, and no one really knows how it works.  Supposedly delegates chosen by the States have a certain percentage of votes, depending on one what state they are representing.  Let's say Georgia has 12 votes and is represented by 3 delegates; well each delegate would have 4 votes to present to the college to nominate/elect the President.  Well when all the state's(50 states) delegates get together to vote on the President, if all goes as planned, each state will vote based on how the public voted on election night, Right? Well maybe,  if everything goes as planned; so if Trump won a state, let's say Georgia, then Georgia's delegates would vote for Trump.  The problem is no one can tell me what would happen if a group of delegates chose to vote for the other guy (loser of the election); there is nothing in the rules that states that a group of delegates has to vote a certain way.

This is what Trump is trying to use to steal the election from Biden.  If he can convince a group of delegates to vote for him because of election fraud, then he could steal the election at the Electoral College stage; the fact that Biden won the popular vote would be mute; this would be a terrible reminder that the people don't pick the President[Romans 13:1].  Remember the delegates represent a state, but there is nothing to guarantee that they will vote along party lines, they can be convinced to Buck the system and switch their votes.

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Failing Markets: In the Bible

 My friends, the times are changing and the things which hold value now are on the precipice of being lost forever.  Our economy is teetering on the brink of collapse, and a second wave of COVID-19, could set us back 200 years.  Today, everything is golden, good, but the time is coming when the things that we once held precious will litter the streets because they are worthless to us.  The time is coming when even gold will lose its value; it may be hard to believe, but it's true.  You say "gold will always have value", but I guess you never read in Revelation's that "none will buy or sell without the mark of the beast"[Revelation 13:17] so the day is coming when gold or silver won't have value without the mark of the beast, only your allegiance to the Beast will get you fed. As Jesus said, what is more important the gold on the altar or the altar that sanctifies the gold.  In the last days, the mark of the beast will certify the gold or it won't be accepted.   

A society is coming which does not value dollars or cents not even the labor one can perform in a day, won't be exchanged for food.  The bible speaks of even militaries without tanks or helicopters, just horses and chariots.  So what happened to all our technology you ask?  Well a nuclear blast would create an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) which would render all electronics, within a certain area, useless, however something on a larger scale like a Coronal Mass Ejection(CME) could destroy electronics on a global scale.  There was a show called "Jericho" in which the U.S. was nuked in like 8 cities, if that happens the phrase"we nuked them back to the Stone Age" would be relevant.  Commodities like gold and silver rely on markets to maintain their value.  In a cashless society these metals could be used to barter with but God has shown me that after a nuclear bomb, the markets would crash and these commodities  would be worthless; as I said before, the only value one might attain would be what one could perform for a day's wage(labor for a day's wage).  The time is coming when not even a prostitute will be able to sell her body in exchange for food.

In [Revelation 6:6] it says that a measure of wheat will cost a penny, which amounts to a day's wages.  Even in the current pandemic, I have noticed the shortage of change(pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters).  I went to Zaxby's the other day and could not make an order unless I had the exact change.  Why is there a shortage of coins?  There is a shortage of coins because the markets around the world are stalling and money isn't flowing as freely as it once did.  It's nothing to worry about but I like to be prepared; remember the virgins that didn't have enough oil in their lamps when the bridegroom came.  They were unprepared and had to go to the sellers to buy their oil...

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Aslan: In the Bible

This post is about the book, Chronicles of Narnia, the lion with witch and the wardrobe; One of the lead characters in the book is called Aslan, who takes the form of a lion. 

Aslan, also known as The Great Lion(In the Bible Jesus is known as the Lion of Judah), is the creator and one true king of the world of Narnia(which parallels Jesus Christ, who created the world and is the one true King), and generally a representation of all that is good.  This book and character is geared towards children and likely had millions of children praying to Aslan.  Is this book simply a harmless part of a child's imagination or is there something sinister in praying to Aslan?  Well in the book, The Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan represents Jesus Christ, as stated by its author, C.S. Lewis.

He stands in the place of Christ in Narnia, because the book is about animals posing as humans; Aslan takes the form of a lion [Revelation 5:5], represents Christ, the lion of Judah, but the bible says that anyone or anything that stands in the place of Christ is Antichrist; Satan is the biggest Antichrist in the bible, but there are others.  The bible says that there will be many Antichrists.  So in the Bible the character Aslan undoubtedly represents Satan, not Jesus.  

So C.S. Lewis has millions of children praying to Satan because he made a likable character in the mold of Jesus in his books.  Aslan is no doubt one of Satan's names or the name of some Demon in hell, being worshiped by unsuspecting children and adults.  We must be careful how we worship because the bible says that there is only one name under heaven, by which men can be saved[Acts 4:12] and it's "Jesus" not Aslan; You can't call Jesus by another name and think it's okay.

C.S. Lewis is supposed to be a Christian author, but we must judge the tree by the fruit that it bears.  You can't serve Jesus and work for the Devil.   

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

No Diggity: In the Bible

 In 1996 the R&B group Blackstreet had a song called "No Diggity" as a single for their album with the same name.  In 2013 Ed Sheeran did a cover of the same song with some success, sales wise.  So what is the song about and why does it stay in the forefront, the minds eye, of music fans?  Well the song is about a prostitute that sells herself all over town and you wonder if it should be called "No dignity" instead of "No Diggity"?  So what does "No Diggity" mean?  The Urban dictionary says that it means "absolutely" or "no doubt."  So when you are dealing with a prostitute you are "absolutely" paying for sex and you are "no doubt" making a deal with the devil; children you must learn that if you are not doing what's right, then you are doing  wrong. 

The song goes on to call the prostitute a perfect ten, as if she has all the qualities one looks for when searching for a woman.  The bible refers to several prostitutes, but they are not presented as godly women, however they are described as resourceful women and one was even celebrated for her wisdom through helping the children of Israel by hiding their spies.  But should prostitutes be celebrated and held up as models for young women.  The bible says that the married older women, should be held as examples for the younger women (Titus 2).

R&B music is not godly music and proves this by constantly degrading women, depicting them as whores and presenting men as pimps.  The group, "Destiny's Child", famously had a song where they ask men, "can you pay my bills" if you can't pay my bills, then no sex!  The bibles says that fornication is sinning against your own self  because you are degrading the holy vessel that God has given you, that is meant for a holy purpose (1 Corinthians 6:18).  R&B music encourages you to sin against yourself, just listening to it degrades your mindset and pulls you into a base way of thinking.  When dealing with women in real life, you find yourself making deals, immoral deals, exchanging money for sexual favors, but the body is not meant to be used in that manner (1 Corinthians 6:13)  

In the bible serving other gods is called whoredoms, so what do you think trying various types of music is, its trying spirits and you eventually serve them.  The bible says try the spirits to see if they are of God.  If their philosophy differs from the bible, then they are not of God.  The bible says that in the end times men with listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, that's popular music my friends (1 Timothy), it's a seducing spirit; I went to sleep one night listening to popular music and had terrible dreams, the music seemed to be attacking me.  Music is a seducing spirit, and what is a prostitute if not a seducer.  The bible says that their house is the road to Hell (Proverbs 7).  

So what am I saying.  Well, we need good role models for our children like the bible says, and we need to watch what we listen to as not to be overcome with evil. The bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he, so be mindful of what you listen to because it sets your mindset.  

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Good People Die Young: A Theory

  We often ask the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"  There is someone in our lives that we have lost, and we often say that "they died too soon" and we wonder why God lets this kind of thing happen, because they were such a good person.  I have asked myself why, when my younger brother died at the age of 34 and left a family behind; I asked God why, but should we question God.  Well it falls upon me to give you this life altering truth and I hope that it will give some of you solace.  The bible calls men, "filthy rags", that's how the bible describes us.  So can anyone be considered good?  Jesus Christ himself answered this question in Matthew 9:17 (And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God)  Listen to what Jesus said, "there is none good, but one that is God,"  After hearing the truth we should never be the same.  I myself consider myself to be a "good person", but I must admit that I have skeletons in my closet and have done some things in secret that I hope never gets out.  Well you're thinking that this person you're considering was a good person and never did anything or anybody wrong.  Well don't forget in 1 Timothy it says that some people's bad deeds are known in this life and others will be known at the judgement [1 Timothy 5:24].  The word of God does not lie my friends, but men do; we lie, cheat, murder, and steal, and that is why there is none good, we all have secret sins.  And the bible says that the payment of sin is death, so don't be shocked when seemingly "good people" die young.  There are truly some saints that don't die young, they are killed, each year for the witness of Jesus Christ: the Bible says that these people will be rewarded with white robes at the judgement and be avenged of their enemies... [Revelation 6:9-12]

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Covid-19: A Theory

 I had a thought on Covid-19.  There is about a 5% reinfection rate with Covid-19, meaning that 5% of people catch it multiple times; I wonder if that will affect an antivirus, because all an antivirus is, is a preinfection of a dead virus so that your body's immune system will create antibodies to fight off a real infection.  So if 5% of people can't fight off a reinfection of coronavirus, what percentage of people exposed to an antivirus will get infected or reinfected?  I am betting that if 5% of people's bodies couldn't manufacture the antibodies needed to fight off a reinfection: I am willing to bet that an antibody won't perform any better.  So if 5% of the population(328,000,000) [Revelation 16:9] of the U.S. took the antiviral and 5% got infected that would be 16,400,000 infections with a death rate of 1%, so 164,000 more deaths(we are already at 200,000 so that would be a total of 364,000 deaths, and we are approaching that number, so the death rate is actually over 1%).   A few weeks ago Russia announced that they had created an antibody to fight off the coronavirus and Putin said that he had given it to his daughter to signify that it was safe to use.  I say that if the antiviral actually worked and was safe, that Putin would have taken it himself, not just given it to his daughter.  And why didn't we look into Russia's claims of creating an antiviral; what does it matter which country creates the antiviral as long as we get something that works.  Our doctor's in the U.S. are saying that it will probably be the first quarter if 2021 before we have an antiviral, if Russia already has one, imagine the number of lives that could be saved.  

And please remember those who are in prison, because many times the prisons are not able to accommodate people with the virus and many times they end up in a prison inside the prison.  And many times they stay separated from the normal population for more than two weeks, due to the lack of accurate testing.  So keep them in your prayers...

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Remix King: Time after Time

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick
And think of you
Caught up in circles The Curious arts is what I do So join my inner circle
Here's a secret, every shape has sides
But a watch doesn't have any
A watch has many circles
Didn't you know a watch has faces
And up your sleeve like a pair of Aces
Watches never come in two's
I'm the hand of time, I'm the hand  you use
Now I'm confused
Confusion is nothing new
Say you love me, say we're lovers not friends
Let me hear it again
Your words consume me, time after time
Time after
Kiss me, and another one, I'll take a two
Rewind like a movie, the director says "take two"
I've seen this one, pause it, hit stop time
Let me give it a spin, take you out for a spin
Let me protect you with a circle again
Could we be just friends?
The truth to the question is like the second hand
No one understands
I'm getting closer to it, but it's you I find
Time's hands keeps moving, the mystery unwinds
Like a problem you solve me, time after time
God's hands: encircle me, hover over me, move me
Just like the second hand of time
After an exhaustive search, it's you I find
The second hand unwinds
You keep coming back to me, time after time
If you're lost you can look and you will find me[Jeremiah 29:13]
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time
After my answer fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
You want to marry me
And I say, "that it's OK"
I said yes and I'll say it again
Time after time
If you ask me, I'll say Yes again
Time after time
Had you once, and I'll have it again
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after

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Say The Name, Jesus: A Theory

 I was watching the BLM (Black Lives Matter) protests for Breonna Taylor and the organizers were saying, "Say The Name", because they wanted people to say Breonna Taylor's name.  They want you to relate to her, to think that it could have been you that died.  Each week the media props up another person as a false Christ; let me just say that, there is no replacing the act of love that Jesus went through for us.  Breonna is being held up as a false Christ, because they are saying that She died in your stead [Matthew 24:24] meaning it could have been you that was crucified by the police.   If this movement was innocent they would be saying “Say Her Name” the fact that they are saying “Say The Name” makes it a reference to Jesus, who has a name above every name: He is “The Name.”  Be careful what movements you follow my friends.  Now Breonna Taylor died, but did she die for you?  Was she the ransom for your soul?  We know and believe that Jesus suffered and died for our sins, but do we say his name?  I've watched award ceremonies and countless times in acceptance the artists will acknowledge god(not sure which god, but they will say god) but they won't say the name Jesus.  I listen to gospel music and can attest that 70% of gospel songs don't mention the name Jesus at all; mentioning his name should be a requirement for music to be labeled, gospel music.  Another thing I've noticed about gospel music is that the artists will say, "Nobody Like You Jesus", which is wrong and a definite sign of Satanic influence, because they should be saying "There is Nobody like you Jesus" the first way implies that Jesus is not liked, which is a subtle sign of Satanic influence in gospel music.  I challenge all the artists out there, if you claim to be a gospel singer, then say the name Jesus and don't say "nobody like you Jesus!"  Are you a follower of the one, Jesus, to whom all lives matter? 

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!  The blood of Jesus

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Remix King: Still The One

 When I first saw you, I saw love

Our story was written above
And the first time you touched me, I felt love
It feels right, you fit me just like a glove
And after all this love
After all this time
You're the melody to finish my rhyme
You're still the one I love, mmm, yeah
Looks like we made it
All day, your smile I anticipate it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
Our love is why I stay
Your smile brightens my day
Momma said fake it til you make it
They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But I'm holding on, I got my stake in it
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong
Still writing our love song
It's inspiring to be together so long
Our love couldn't be so wrong
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
Still the one I makeup with after a fight
You're still do me right
Ain't nothin' better
Still in my heart like Chris't words [Psalm 119:11]
Red letter
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
They said, I bet they'll never make it
But just look at us holding on
We're still…
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Friday, August 28, 2020

Remix King: Roxanne

 All for the 'Gram

Bitches love the 'Gram

Oh wait shit

Brr brr

Brr, brr, brr (aye)

Skrrt, skrrt



All she wanna do is party all night

Goddamn, Roxanne

Never gonna love me but it's alright

I disagree with you but we won't fight



Shorty went shopping,  spent a Mil yeah

Met her at a party in the Hills, yeah

Shorty was popping mad pills yeah

She just wanna pop em for the thrill, yeah

Shorty at the pool with no top

But if I throw this money she gon' drop,

She keeps repeating the same songs

Shorty in love with Drake and Trey Songs

She can listen to them all night long

If you turn it off then she mad at you

But she can be a friend, that's true blue[Proverbs 18:24]

She from Malibu, Malibu

If you ain't gotta Foreign accent she laughs at you

She from Malibu, Malibu

Spending daddy's money with an attitude

Would it kill her to show a little gratitude



All she wanna do is party all night

Goddamn, Roxanne

Never gonna love me but it's alright

She thinks I'm an asshole

She thinks I'm a player

She keep running back though

Only 'cause I pay up



All she wanna do is party all night

She just bought a pair of new shoes

She's playing Sudoku, no she won't lose

She stays at home haunting it, when she broke Boo

Shorty only like cocaine and whole foods

I'm right there when she calls too

I instant transmission like I'm Goku

I watch her undress like a Roku

Shorty acting up like she bran new



She don't like for no one to call her Baby

No ifs ands or maybes

She was like Wonder Woman in the 80's

She was one of my ladies

She's a Haitian but she not from Haiti

She wears shades in a drop top Mercedes

Car sex will drive a nigga crazy



Never gonna love me but it's alright

She think I'm an asshole

She think I'm a player

She keep running back though

Only 'cause I pay up



All she wanna do is party all night

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Remix King: 100 Ways

You turn over the hour glass

Its time we've lost 

Our love has paid the cost

We fail, when we try and make it last

The sand is falling down, oh it's too fast for you

The past has become the present for you

The future is catching up to you

In time, I will forget about you

Don't waste your love, the moment will pass

Forget about it, it's in the past

If you never want time to leave

Don't treat it like an ass

'Cause once it's gone, you can't make it last

It's true, I'm a thug but don't bring up my past

They railed on me, how was I supposed to act?

You're saying so, don't make it a fact

Could you love me with some tact?

Tell me what makes you stay

It was already on fire, so I left it that way

There's a hundred ways to leave a lover

Only one way to make her stay

Tell her you care, that'll make her day

Don't deceive her, and she'll never leave you

Leave a lover

Leave a lover

A Hundred ways to leave a lover

Make sure you don't receive another [2 Corinthians 11:4]

Leave a lover

Leave a

There's a hundred ways to leave a lover

I won't wait a minute longer

If you stay your bond will be stronger

A Hundred ways to leave

But I'm the only one that you need

The only one she should receive

Hold on to me baby, cleave

It's the final curtain call

But if you're ready I will give my all

Make you up like a doll

Catch you when you fall

Fall for you

For you, for you

Let them say it how they want

If I can love you good, it's no one's fault


Could you love me the same?

Tell me what makes you stay

There's a hundred ways to leave a lover

Leave a lover

Leave a lover

A Hundred ways to leave a lover

Leave a lover

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